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Test pattern is not sticking to heatbed  

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Noble Member
RE: Test pattern is not sticking to heatbed

Sounds like you might be in the right ballbark then.  Take note of that number.   That's going to be different from the number for the smooth sheet.

If you are switching back and forth between the textured and smooth plate you'll likely want to set up steel sheet profiles.

Once you've set up the profiles, just remember to switch sheet before your job.


Posted : 02/05/2021 9:06 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Test pattern is not sticking to heatbed

That is much too low. The test print should be a single sheet of plastic, smooth, with no gaps or threading - and no ridges.

This post was modified 4 years ago by --
Posted : 02/05/2021 9:36 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Test pattern is not sticking to heatbed

Also - and this is crucial: did you perform the built in Z-offset calibration? If you haven't completed that test, the values you save in other tests may be lost on printer reset.

Posted : 02/05/2021 9:39 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Test pattern is not sticking to heatbed


How exactly do I adjust the Z calibration?

Read the links I gave you upthread.


Posted : 03/05/2021 1:42 am
Eminent Member
RE: Test pattern is not sticking to heatbed

It really would be nice to have a consolidated place with examples of many many different offset situations. I had some trouble with the 1-3 images that were posted on many of the forums/ setup guides / videos. Really they just showed what was way too far in either direction and 1 perfect one, the tiny stringiness I was getting originally in my smaller square but not in larger squares confused the heck out of me and I just really needed that extra visual confirmation to tell me how far off I was.
Even with all the prep of watching videos and tips for 3D printers, I was so not prepared for just getting that first layer down. Everyone has to start as a newbie sometime. Hang in there, sometimes even asking the right question can be difficult.

Posted : 03/05/2021 2:42 am
Noble Member
RE: Test pattern is not sticking to heatbed


You are not wrong. But the printer community is a community of people who approached and solved many of their problems -and more often than not the same problems- in different ways and came up with different solutions. If you are new to 3D printing and start reading everything you can find you can easily reach a point where you get confused because everybody seems to say something different and contradict each other. As a matter of fact there are most probably different ways to solve the same problem but if you try everything at once you might not get where you want to. 
There is a place with consolidated examples, it’s the prusa knowledgebase. In my personal experience you can get your printer working if you carefully read the articles there and follow the instructions - even though there might be a slightly better solution somewhere else: for me the KB always solved my problems. 
For z-calibration refer to

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Posted : 03/05/2021 8:39 am
RE: Test pattern is not sticking to heatbed
Posted by: @tim-2

Did you perform the built in Z-offset calibration?

I don’t think I saw an answer to this question.  Why did you not do the standard built in Z calibration print?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 07/05/2021 3:52 pm
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