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Stringing Test Result Help  

Active Member
Stringing Test Result Help

I am trying to calibrate my printer for better quality prints, I was have been working with a simple string test model to dial in my retractions. I was having some bad stringing issues.

The stringing issues seem to be under control but I am noticing poor quality results at the at the tip of the structure. It almost looks like I am getting a very small layer shift. Any suggestions on what I can do to dial this in.

I am using simplify3d and esun pla+ filament.

Retraction set at 4.5
Retractions speed set at 1800mm/min
Coast set to .20
Wipe distance set to 2.0

Picture attached.

Thank you

Posted : 07/03/2019 11:30 pm
Re: Stringing Test Result Help

Make sure you give each layer long enough to cool before it does the next one. Look for "minimum layer time" settings and/or up the fan speed for the layers in question.

Posted : 07/03/2019 11:49 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Stringing Test Result Help

Make sure you give each layer long enough to cool before it does the next one. Look for "minimum layer time" settings and/or up the fan speed for the layers in question.

I'm at 100 percent for everything but layer 1. I dont see the "minimum layer time" setting in simplofy 3d

Posted : 08/03/2019 12:37 am
Re: Stringing Test Result Help

Make sure you give each layer long enough to cool before it does the next one. Look for "minimum layer time" settings and/or up the fan speed for the layers in question.

I'm at 100 percent for everything but layer 1. I dont see the "minimum layer time" setting in simplofy 3d

OK, didn't know if you were running PLA or PETG since the latter is usually the worse offender for stringing and that prints with lower fan.

I'm not at all familiar with S3D but in Slic3r PE it's under "cooling" for filament settings and is called "Slow down print if layer is below" (default 20 seconds).

What you can try is print two of the same object, far apart on the bed. This will have the same net effect by making the printer move between them for each layer and giving them time to cool more than just a single object.

Posted : 08/03/2019 2:59 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Stringing Test Result Help

OK, didn't know if you were running PLA or PETG since the latter is usually the worse offender for stringing and that prints with lower fan.

I'm not at all familiar with S3D but in Slic3r PE it's under "cooling" for filament settings and is called "Slow down print if layer is below" (default 20 seconds).

What you can try is print two of the same object, far apart on the bed. This will have the same net effect by making the printer move between them for each layer and giving them time to cool more than just a single object.

Found it in S3d lowered the speed setting to anything below 15% to 10 % and same result. I'm going to try the distance tower model to see if it is happening at all distances or 1 in particular.

I will post my results once the print is done.

Thanks for the help

Posted : 08/03/2019 3:20 am
Eminent Member
Re: Stringing Test Result Help

Retraction at 4.5? That seems quite high for a direct drive system.

I run retraction at the stock 0.8mm. I have turned off Lift Z/Z-hop as that is a recipe for stringing.

Posted : 08/03/2019 4:22 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Stringing Test Result Help

Retraction at 4.5? That seems quite high for a direct drive system.

I run retraction at the stock 0.8mm. I have turned off Lift Z/Z-hop as that is a recipe for stringing.

Yes. I've tuned retraction down to 1 after doing some research online.

I will try the zhop off

Posted : 08/03/2019 5:52 pm