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Strange noise on change of direction diagonally  

New Member
Strange noise on change of direction diagonally

I completed the printer build seemingly fine, the self test reported ok and the X,y, calibration reported hat the geometry was perfect.

The first day (yesterday) saw good prints coming off the machine, so I was brave and left one running overnight - this morning, the object had printed perfectly and everything seemed ok.

I decided to kick off another print this morning and although it seems to be going down ok, there is now a clicking sound as it changes direction on a diagonal first layer. Gently touching the head assembly as it moves I can feel the click, and it’s more pronounced the closer to the bed

First instincts are the something is loose in the head assembly or that something is up with one of the two horizontal bearings on the runners.

I have of course cancelled the print.

Am off to work now so won’t get to look at it properly before tonight...but if anyone has seen or heard something like that before and have ideas of what that might be I would be grateful for suggestions!AudcpA1hm24mk_01Sg_aEVsKHlF4BQ


Postato : 21/01/2019 8:27 am
Honorable Member
Re: Strange noise on change of direction diagonally

I wouldn't be worried, that clip looks fine. Z is a bit high.

diagonal moves will always be the loudest, turning down acceleration and jerk might help

Postato : 21/01/2019 4:41 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
Re: Strange noise on change of direction diagonally

Print accuracy remains good but creating higher pitch noise at fast direction change.

Belts, pulleys, motors - no. Those would alter print results

Bearings - maybe, if slightly loose, but would also expect more rattle during motions, especially fast/non print moves

My vote goes for part blower fan.
As the bearing wears, its impeller gets closer to fan casing. When spinning, the spacing is a bit more. Does the noise go away once the part blower starts spinning? Sometimes, loosening and reseating the blower fan helps. Otherwise, the 45 degree mounting angle has made an anticipatable set of the sleeve bearing letting impeller has shifted.

Postato : 21/01/2019 9:21 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Strange noise on change of direction diagonally

That was it, ...the part blower, had come out of the box where it fits in, ...not loose to the touch, but re-seating it and tighting it, made the noise go away. Thanks to both of you for taking the time to answer. Greatly appreciated !



Postato : 21/01/2019 10:19 pm