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Strange First Layer after update  

Eminent Member
Strange First Layer after update

Updated the firmware to v3.2.1-576, did first layer calibration and was trying to print a couple of very simple objects and my first layer looks like this:

What's odd, is the first layer of the top object printed at the same time looks fine...

Underside of the first object

Temperature looked normal at print time (200c), this was taken just after layer 2 started.


This is on an i3 Mk3 kit, these were printing just fine previously with the same filament and settings directly from the SD card.

Bill Church
Saint Petersburg, Fl USA
Original Prusa i3 Mk3 Kit Stock v3.8.1-2869
Original Prusa i3 Mk2 Kit Stock v3.2.3

Postato : 11/06/2018 1:12 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Strange First Layer after update

So... Nevermind?

Turned out I was printing "Fast" print quality with the stock Simplify 3D settings vs "Medium" as I was before. Switching that, it printed fine but that begs the question how is the Fast print quality setting that far off? Was it a fluke or does anyone know if S3D's default settings have any issues (will followup with them as well).

Not so fast... It still looks a little less than ideal here, the top part still seems ok but the bottom part has some issues...

Bottom part, still has some imperfections

Top part, looks pretty decent

Bill Church
Saint Petersburg, Fl USA
Original Prusa i3 Mk3 Kit Stock v3.8.1-2869
Original Prusa i3 Mk2 Kit Stock v3.2.3

Postato : 11/06/2018 1:29 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Strange First Layer after update

gcode of the print above, somewhat successful but wondering what i can do to improve that first layer.

Bill Church
Saint Petersburg, Fl USA
Original Prusa i3 Mk3 Kit Stock v3.8.1-2869
Original Prusa i3 Mk2 Kit Stock v3.2.3

Postato : 11/06/2018 1:31 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Strange First Layer after update

It's definitely S3D settings, the latest version of Prusa Control 0.9.4 b415 on Fast quality blew away what S3D did...

Now I have to look at the S3D settings again **sigh**

Not finished printing but light years better...

I'd use Prusa Control but it's just a bit too basic...

Bill Church
Saint Petersburg, Fl USA
Original Prusa i3 Mk3 Kit Stock v3.8.1-2869
Original Prusa i3 Mk2 Kit Stock v3.2.3

Postato : 11/06/2018 3:14 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Strange First Layer after update

Move to Slic3r. AFAIK, prusa control is Slic3r with a limited ui. Lots of people use S3d, so that one should be fine too. I use slice3r so cannot help with this.

Postato : 11/06/2018 4:38 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Strange First Layer after update

I'm having the exact same issue but I'm using slic3r. Looks just like that and if I can get at least an ugly but serviceable first layer down the rest of the object prints great.

If I print other gcode like the live z adjustment calibration files from that thread it prints a perfect first layer every time.

I'll be curious to see what you find to be the cause. I haven't tried any other slicers yet so that will be my next step.

Postato : 11/06/2018 6:32 pm
Martin Wolfe
Reputable Member
Re: Strange First Layer after update

Do you have linear advance enabled in your slicer? In the filament section there should be a line similar to M900 K30; PLA Filament gcode M900 K45; PETG Filament gcode

Three things you could try:-

  • Try a slight Z adjust increasing it slightly (eg from -855 to -850). It looks as if it is slightly to close to the bed with those ripples.

  • Reducing the speed for first layer.

  • Reducing the first layer extrusion width
  • Also what was the version of the firmware you were using before? Knowing which version you were using will help identify what has changed.


    Martin Wolfe

    Postato : 12/06/2018 10:09 am
    Veteran Member Moderator
    Re: Strange First Layer after update

    Hi Guys,
    that sort of blistered first layer happens because too much plastic is being squeezed into too little space...

    likely causes include, :

    Incorrect extrusion length, ( reasonably unlikely with prusa printers...)
    Incorrect Live Z setting, (too low)
    Over extrusion... ( last time I looked, the Slic3r PE standard start G code has a line which adjusts the Flow rate)
    M221 S{if layer_height<0.075}100{else}95{endif}

    if you are using a home grown Slic3r profile, you may not have taken this into account.

    regards Joan

    I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

    Postato : 12/06/2018 4:09 pm
    XV hanno apprezzato
    Eminent Member
    Re: Strange First Layer after update

    Just to follow up my problem ended up being a badly warped heat bed. They are sending out a new one. Calibration square and individual smaller prints looked ok but anything bigger I could never get the first layer right.

    Hope you get it figured out.

    Postato : 16/06/2018 10:23 pm