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Son of a bench...y!  

Active Member
Son of a bench...y!

After sitting on the fence for a number of weeks, debating on whether or not the "bug filled" Mk3 was worth it, I took the plunge. Ordered the kit on Thursday, shipped Friday, arrived Monday night. (Big ups to the lads at Prusa for that turnaround!)

Spent yesterday assembling it, and got to fool around with it a little today. My first calibration had some issues - x-axis length failure had me stumped for an hour or so (the zip tie heads were bonking into the power supply, WHY do I not google things first?) and then ran into my nozzle being perfect on the left side, but hitting the bed on the right. Grr. Finally, got everything set up and off I went.

I won't share the first attempt at a Benchy. No. Let us not speak of that one ever again. But suffice to say that my live-z was FAR from squished. Reran the wizard after playing jiggle the PINDA, and ended up with the attached Benchy, which took about 1:50 to print. (Is that about right?)

All in all, I'm thrilled at the way this one turned out. There is something... hypnotic about watching these things work. Zooming in obviously shows some defects, though. Would appreciate any feedback from the community on any adjustments I could/should make,

Opublikowany : 23/08/2018 2:01 am
Noble Member
Re: Son of a bench...y!

Hello Gary and welcome to the world of 3DP 🙂
You can try to print slower and compare the results. Beside of that it's a pretty nice benchy.

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Opublikowany : 23/08/2018 2:27 am
Re: Son of a bench...y!

Not bad quality in my book.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 23/08/2018 3:14 am
French moderator and translator Moderator
Re: Son of a bench...y!

Nice first print, but it seems that your first layer is not right.
I would suggest to read this topic:

Opublikowany : 23/08/2018 7:43 am