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Small extrusion gaps on benchy  

New Member
Small extrusion gaps on benchy

Hey all,

I just finished building my mk3 kit and have been spending the last couple of evenings getting it dialed in. I'm getting closer, but on my most recent two benchies I noticed some small gaps against the door and porthole frames on one side of it:

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing that? It's straight out of Slic3r PE. I'm assuming that something needs to be adjusted, but I'm not familiar enough with 3D printing yet to know where to start.

Thanks in advance!

Veröffentlicht : 21/06/2018 1:57 am
Honorable Member
Re: Small extrusion gaps on benchy

what does your gcode preview look like there? retractions can cause small divots OR you could try slowing down external perimeters/acceleration.

Veröffentlicht : 21/06/2018 10:56 pm