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Skip on X and Y Axis during belt test?  

Honorable Member
Skip on X and Y Axis during belt test?

Hello All,

I assembled my MK3S+ end of last week, and apart from a few minor PQ issues everything seems ok.

However, just for curiosity I did the belt test again to see if they had stretched any after a few days printing.

I noticed a skip/stall for a fraction of a second while doing the test, does this every time, same place.

I have uploaded a video, can someone tell me if this is normal, does it on X and Y in middle of travel from home? I have checked the belt tension by feel and seems in the ball park, took off the carriage rear plate and reinstalled making sure not too tight, bearings are greased correctly and in correct orientation.  Idlers and Motor pulleys have been checked, Might well be normal for this calibration, but I did have grumbly bearings until packed with grease so just to make sure all is ok.

Many Thanks

Este debate ha sido modificado el hace 4 years 2 veces por Clarmrrsn

Tank you very much!

Respondido : 22/03/2021 10:37 am
Alan B.
Eminent Member
RE: Skip on X and Y Axis during belt test?

Mine does that too.   Not sure why it does, but I'm pretty sure it is normal.  My belt tension numbers are X 268, Y 288.  Prints like a dream.

Respondido : 22/03/2021 3:14 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Skip on X and Y Axis during belt test?


Thanks Alan

Very much appreciate the feedback.

Mine is printing very well just now also, after eventually nailing the first layer, about a full day of fine tuning complete after the build.

One of those things that you see and are never quite sure if it is normal or not, especially after grumbling bearings.

12 hour print going just now, 2 hours in and so far looks sweet.

Tank you very much!

Respondido : 22/03/2021 3:50 pm
John Bishop
New Member
RE: Skip on X and Y Axis during belt test?

 😫  I was troubleshooting my printer for hours because of that skip!

Disassembled my rails 3 times and lubricated like a mad man. Couldn't find a reason for that skipping/hiccup. Thought I had a broken mainboard.

Respondido : 15/03/2023 11:05 pm