Severe first print issues (resulting in worst benchy figure I could find online 🙂
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Severe first print issues (resulting in worst benchy figure I could find online 🙂  

New Member
Severe first print issues (resulting in worst benchy figure I could find online 🙂


I just finished assembling my new MK3 printer. No issues occurred and as far as I know, I did not skip any steps 🙂 All initial self tests and calibration went fine and no issues where found.

Next step I tried to print the benchy gcode file (0.15mm, 2H) from the provided SD card. These pictures are the result 🙁 My guess would be a cooling issue, but both fans where running (and did also pass the self-test). I also don't see any blockage in the fan duct. Firmware was 3.2.1, environmental temp about 29 Celcius, filament is the silver PLA that comes with the printer.

Any idea what went wrong? and more importantly, any guidelines how to fix this?

Respondido : 19/07/2018 6:46 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Severe first print issues (resulting in worst benchy figure I could find online 🙂

How about the first layer calibration? How does the first layer look like on the test? Looks to me if the extruded material is not been squeezed enough against each other.

Respondido : 19/07/2018 7:07 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Severe first print issues (resulting in worst benchy figure I could find online 🙂

Wow, I'm amazed that finished printing.

I suspect your whole extruder assembly might be loose and is being deflected? is it easy to push it around if you poke at the "HOT!" writing on the nozzle duct from the front?

What about belts and pulleys? are they all tight?

Respondido : 19/07/2018 8:23 pm
Paul Harker
Trusted Member
Re: Severe first print issues (resulting in worst benchy figure I could find online 🙂

Given how bad it is, I find it strange that the chimney looks good. So short moves seem to be ok, but longer moves are bad. Longer move can mean higher speed and more shake. I'm thinking something or things are loose. Belt(s) grub screw(s)... and when a longer x or y axis move decelerates the jerk causes a shift.

Double check that one set (grub) screw of each drive pulley is setting on the shaft flat, and that all are snug.
Pluck the long (non drive) side of the x and y belts. Do they give a low bass note sound, or are they too loose to make a sound?

Respondido : 19/07/2018 9:17 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Severe first print issues (resulting in worst benchy figure I could find online 🙂

The comment about the chimney seems to indicate loose belts. The lower layers print in somewhat random order. Sometimes it prints from left to right. Other times it prints right to left or front to back. Each layer could be at a slightly different position if there is slop in the belts.

The chimney is a uniform structure where the printer just goes around in circles. There could be slop in the belts, but it is less noticeable because each layer is similar to the one below. I suspect that it is slightly oval in shape instead of perfectly round.


Respondido : 19/07/2018 9:34 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Severe first print issues (resulting in worst benchy figure I could find online 🙂

The problem was a half-loose grub screw on the flat part of the axis of the X motor. Once I tightened that one, I got good results.

Thanks for all the advice! I will now eat all remaining haribo gummi bears at once 🙂

Respondido : 21/07/2018 10:33 am