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Several problems with kit; Underextrusion; Sound level  

Active Member
Several problems with kit; Underextrusion; Sound level

Hey all,
I've recently aquired a Prusa Printer. I'd like to ask for a help with a few issues.

* Firmware is from around 5th of may or so.
* Belt tension is y260 x270
* Self test okay
* all steps described in manual done
* Multiple contacts with live chat, which helped me with previous problems; not with this current one
* Most of the prints are okay on x/y axis, and mostly on Z, see below.

Tl;Dr: I have some other problems that I am aware of; they are rather not related to the current issues
For starters; I'd like to note that it is slightly damaged - top rod of X axis is scratched along the length, and bearings of X might be a bit off as well. This can be a suggestion for the Prusa manufacturers - as it turns out plastic parts that the rods slide into were in fact sealed despite the groove at the bottom (Groove was not cut). When rods were pushed in; An air cushion prevented them to slide till the end; It created this V shape of the X rods; Which translated to the V shape of the Z axis. When extruder was near the print bed; it was okay, but as the Z moved up, the separation caused by the V shape was more pronounced. It was a half a centimetre or less off; But since it was clamped both at the bottom and at the top, it created the tension which cased Z axis to skip, and for the rods of X to go misaligned even more - which cased bearings to scratch the rod.
This problem in particular seems to be solved; And since I've sanded the rods a bit; I see NO problem with X axis at the moment.

Currently I have three problems:
1) Printer is really loud
2) I have severe underextrusion
3) Stringing on the small models is very pronounced

Ad. 1: I seem to have heavy vibration causing resonance in the whole printer. I cannot pinpoint the origin, but it is somewhere around left z axis motor. Sound itself is produced when Z axis is moving up and down
Sound (and vibration) is more pronounced when extruder is near left side; It dampens to the point of "really quiet" when at the other;
Sound is more pronounced when Y axis is closer to the front, it's a bit quieter when Y axis is further.
Resonance is felt around the both Z motors; And it produces additional sound with the LED box (Resonating plastic parts).

* I've tried to tighten the frame, and motors, and motors covers to no avail.
* I've tried placing a bit of tension on the frame (E.g pushing it a bit) to test if some loose connection is causing it; to no avail.

It's really irritating...

Ad. 2: To print more or less properly; I have to set speed to ~80% and filament flow to 125%. I'm printing with prusa PLA, default settings. Problem is especially noticeable when doing infill (Fast, broad strokes) but it can be even seen when doing z-adjust (Not every little bit is placed). When testing for the problem, all settings were at the default.
It seems like the filament just stops flowing for a second. As for this moment I have
* Nozzle was cleaned; Extruder was taken apart and reassembled; Tension screws were checked.

Ad.3 nuff said; see photos

Postato : 25/05/2018 10:45 am
Honorable Member
Re: Several problems with kit; Underextrusion; Sound level

Currently I have three problems:
1) Printer is really loud
2) I have severe underextrusion
3) Stringing on the small models is very pronounced

1-depends on what type of noise it is. at stock speeds and acceleration settings it IS loud by anyone's definition, but still much quieter than other printers. the psu rattles, the bearings grind a bit for many and mine in particular likes to be constantly drenched in 3-in-1 to keep from honking and buzzing.

2/3 - that looks more like "air-printing" and a partial clog, if you have to extrude at 125% then something is seriously wrong.

Postato : 26/05/2018 5:43 am
New Member
Re: Several problems with kit; Underextrusion; Sound level

1-depends on what type of noise it is. at stock speeds and acceleration settings it IS loud by anyone's definition, but still much quieter than other printers. the psu rattles, the bearings grind a bit for many and mine in particular likes to be constantly drenched in 3-in-1 to keep from honking and buzzing.

2/3 - that looks more like "air-printing" and a partial clog, if you have to extrude at 125% then something is seriously wrong.

1. Well... It does not produce this oscillation and sound anymore. And I haent done anything since I've started it up for the last time... Well, as long as it's quiet...

2/3 Your link helped me A LOT, so thank you for that. I had 12% underextrusion. But these tests showed me another problem; There are small lumps at the extruded filament. I can hear small click that I think corresponds to their creation. Spiral extruded filament is from the extruder calibration; you can see the lumps there; Additionally I've attached two photos of the filament after cold pull.

Curently printing calibration cube @0.1mm

Edit: Why in all hells do I have two accounts here? 🙄

Calibration cube went great. I am amazed how well it is printing now. I'm doing some more complicated GCODE at faster speed to check for artifacts, but already I'm eager again to print 🙂

Postato : 26/05/2018 4:57 pm
New Member
Re: Several problems with kit; Underextrusion; Sound level

I'm stumped. While calibration cube was printed almost perfectly...
Left one is old, right one is printed now
As you can see lines actually are worse; Not to mention this skip around ~0.3 - 0.9 mm

Postato : 26/05/2018 6:35 pm