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Replacement extruder body rubbing and stopping extruder?  

Active Member
Replacement extruder body rubbing and stopping extruder?

My Penda mount on my extruder body broke off from too many collisions and I had a friend print me a replacement in PETG. The print looks fine and I did manage to run the calibration wizard and print out a heat tower (maybe completely?) 

However, my extruder motor keeps stopping now. I think the issue is a small tolerance problem in the new print that is causing some friction that the extruder gets stuck on sometimes. If I loosen the screws and move the extruder slightly it unsticks and will operate normally for several layers of printing before becoming stuck again. I think it gets stuck during times when the extruder is off and it can't start again.

I used these model files for making the replacement extruder body:

I've tried varying the tightness on all of the screws, even during prints, but it still gets stuck during prints.

Can anyone suggest a fix? I don't think printing the model at a larger scale will work, all of the screw holes would become misaligned. I'm thinking of taking a screw driver edge and trying to widen the gap the extruder spins in, but I'm going in blind and I'm not sure this will work? I even looked into the 3.9 upgrade, but there is a comment there that you have to print parts so that won't work for me currently either.


Thanks for any suggestions,


Opublikowany : 14/04/2023 12:56 am