Received assembled Prusa - worked awesome.. then I ran calibration wizard...
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Received assembled Prusa - worked awesome.. then I ran calibration wizard...  

New Member
Received assembled Prusa - worked awesome.. then I ran calibration wizard...

As the title says, I got my Prusa i3 MK3S Assembled and printed a whistle which worked perfectly. I read I think in the user guide that I should run the calibration when I move it.

I moved it down stairs and started the calibration wizard which did not work out too well for me. Yikes. I reset the z height and ran the XYZ calibration as section 6.3.5.

It keeps catching the paper in the back right corner so I have to turn it off. It's on a very sturdy surface (granite counter top) and the surface beneath the printer is almost perfectly level.

I saw later I shouldn't have run those calibrations... but now I need to fix it because the printer says it hasn't been calibrated. Can anyone help me?


Publié : 24/09/2020 4:46 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Received assembled Prusa - worked awesome.. then I ran calibration wizard...

Mine does the exact same thing as in this video - except it does it at the third point not the second:

Publié : 24/09/2020 5:21 pm
Active Member
RE: Received assembled Prusa - worked awesome.. then I ran calibration wizard...

If it catches the paper only slightly, it's probably not a cause for concern. Considering your machine came pre-assembled, I think this could be the case. You can try to hold the paper in place and if it starts to leave big marks, abort.

If it catches hard, you need to lower the PINDA probe (ever so slightly), either by loosening slightly and rotating it clock-wise (less than a quarter turn should suffice) or by loosening more and lowering it a bit (you might need to wedge a flat head screw driver there to loosen the mount enough to lower the PINDA). Then tighten it back down and try to re-run the calibration. Keep in mind that if you do this your live Z values will change so you'll definitely have to run through first-layer calibration to find new good values.

I recommend resisting the forces on the mount with your other hand while loosening / tightening so that the mount doesn't break.

Publié : 24/09/2020 5:53 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Received assembled Prusa - worked awesome.. then I ran calibration wizard...


It catches only barely - thank you! I actually decided to just try and print something and it worked for the most part. I really screwed up the zindex but I am trying to fix that by testing different heights on the whistle print. I will post back with images of my results and what z index I am using.

Publié : 24/09/2020 6:50 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Received assembled Prusa - worked awesome.. then I ran calibration wizard...

Ok it appears to be printing decently - but I am trying to match the settings it was using before I moved it and recalibrated it. Can

Original print (what I am trying to match):

My current prints:

I am currently using -1.000 z offset. Can anyone help me figure out why it is turning out like it is? I have done about 6 test prints and this was the closest I could get it...

I am noticing there are some gaps near the edges and it seems like there is some layer shifting going on too on the JP characters.


Ce message a été modifié il y a 4 years par pwh191
Publié : 24/09/2020 9:51 pm
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