Question regarding the printable printer parts and supports
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Question regarding the printable printer parts and supports  

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Question regarding the printable printer parts and supports

Hi all,

still setting up (in fact, after step 14 I decided to call it a day when I noticed that the reason for the screws not gripping was that I was using the wrong, i.e. too small, allen key 😳 ), but looking at the printed parts in their bags, I got a question: are those printed without supports?

Guessing from the bed surface impression (Ha! I know why we can't get the powdercoated sheets - they're all used at Prusa...), a lot of those parts have horizontal holes and overhangs, but I can't (so far) see anything I would classify as remenants of supports. Either these supports are that easy (and traceless) to be removed, or those holes (e.g. the X-end-idler) can indeed be printed without support. Which one is it? And if they're printed without suppports - how difficult is it to achieve this?

Veröffentlicht : 11/10/2018 10:26 pm