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Problems with 1st printing  

New Member
Problems with 1st printing

Hello everibody,

I've just finisched assembling my new MK3S. Calibration was ok. On screen "Prusa i3 MK3S OK" appears. Thath seems to be fine.

I started printing Batman model on the SD card. And now I got a problem: Printer ask to unload filament, then load new filament.... continuously. That's all. printing process doesn't start. MK3S ask for unloading and loading endless.
I tried with other model on SD card. Same result.
MAy you help me please?
Any suggestion?



Postato : 03/06/2019 11:13 am
RE: Problems with 1st printing

You may check you filament sensor if there is some particle (dust, filament sting from plastic part) turning on and off the sensor. Check magnets orientation too. They must be repelling each other. Check the proper and stable connection (plug) of filament sensor's cable.

Postato : 03/06/2019 3:16 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Problems with 1st printing

Thank for your reply.

Mk3S works perfectly during First Layer Calibration. I repeat it many times to verify global behaviour and each time the zig-zag pattern was fine. So magnet are ok (I check it during assembly process).  

The issue arrives only when I start printing something. I also tried with a 2nd filament (not only with the one delivered with the mk3s). Power cable is stable.

Postato : 03/06/2019 5:52 pm
RE: Problems with 1st printing

First layer calibration has been reported to ignore the filament sensor state. 

Postato : 03/06/2019 6:50 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Problems with 1st printing

Disable the filament sensor and then retry the print.

Postato : 03/06/2019 7:37 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Problems with 1st printing

thanks guys, filament sensor was the problem. I've launched an impression then I'll try to fix it. 

Postato : 03/06/2019 9:21 pm