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Problems Printing and Adjusting Z-Layer
Firstly sorry for my English. I will try to explain my problem as well as possible.
I have built my new MK3. Calibration went fine.
When i try first layer calibration, filament does not get stuck on some parts so i lower the nozzle (roughly -795) Finished fine.
But when i try to print prusa logo, this was the first layer so i stop the print.
I set a higher z point (-780) then filament does not get stuck
What could be the problem? Z too low? too high? Maybe pinda problem?
Thanks in advance for your help
Opublikowany : 23/04/2018 4:00 pm
Re: Problems Printing and Adjusting Z-Layer
If your layer adhision is roughly fine at -795.
Then based on your second picture, it is still not low enough.
So go a little lower.
If you need do set it a lot lower I would check the hight of the pinda probe.
Opublikowany : 23/04/2018 6:18 pm