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Problem with extrusion  

New Member
Problem with extrusion

hello, I got this mk3 a month ago,

all the layers seem to have a bump everywhere

it happened since the first time I've assembled it, and I changed the nozle yesterday and the problem goes on same.

It is a phenomenon that appears uniformly in straight line rather than random. any guess what causes problem?

The filament that I use is from the bundle pakage.

Thank you for your advice.

Postato : 13/09/2018 10:36 am
Noble Member
Re: Problem with extrusion

Your first Layer is squished. Try to increase the distance between the nozzle and the bed.

Postato : 13/09/2018 10:46 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Problem with extrusion

Good morning Jungsoo.

your first layer appears to be too low - Live Z appears to have too large a negative number

try readjusting your live Z..... I use there are version 6.1 files at the bottom of the first post... they contain files for PLA, PETG and ABS. choose the one that is best for you...

Your top layer appears to have Pillowing issues here is a reference that may help

Once you fix your top layer pillowing, if it is still rough you may be over extruding, try reducing your extrusion multiplier to say 95%

useful guides
(Rigid Ink)

Have you considered using Slic3r Prusa Edition? The profiles on there have been adjusted for the Prusa Printers, and may give you a starting point!
once you have your printer printing well, you can tune Simplify3D afterwards.

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 13/09/2018 11:02 am
Famed Member
Re: Problem with extrusion

You should repeat your first layer calibration and clean your printbed proper.
And to be sure that it works, i would try to slice the objekt with the provided Slic3r PE.
If that print is ok, you can start tweaking the S3D Settings.

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Postato : 13/09/2018 11:03 am