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Printer problems after cancelled print  

New Member
Printer problems after cancelled print


Pleased to have had no problems with initial setup and calibration but have now hit my first issue. I noticed my 3rd print had gone wrong so I cancelled the print. The print head simply stopped moving directly above the print. I found an 'auto home' option in the calibration menu and tried this. The print head moved but only to crash into the print bed. Not finding any advice in the guide, I decided to run the first layer calibration again. This caused an even more extreme crash into the print bed (there appears to be no damage fortunately).

I turned the printer off, left it for a bit and then ran the initial setup calibration wizard again. Other than having to stop the first layer calibration to adjust the PINDA probe (which I didn't have to go on first set up) everything seems OK now.

I am reluctant to print again without knowing how to prevent this problem in the future. Is what happened to me a normal sequence of events after stopping a print? If yes, how do I stop a print without having the same problem happen again? If no, what do I do about it (other than never stopping a print again!)?


Publié : 17/04/2019 1:59 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Printer problems after cancelled print


I think it's important for you to indicate exactly how you were running the print. Were you printing directly from the SD card, or were you using a Raspberry Pi and Octoprint, or were you printing from a computer via the USB cable?

I only print from a computer, using Repetier as my user interface, and I've had no problems using the "Kill the Print" button on the Repetier screen.

Other people will have to address their experience using other printing modes.

Publié : 17/04/2019 3:47 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Printer problems after cancelled print

I believe there is or was a know fault with printing after a stop command. I have also had the nozzel hit the bed hard after stopping a print then re-starting a new print. Now i reset the printer after any stop or error to make sure it does not happen. So far i have no further problems.

There may have been a firmware alteration on the latest version to prevent the problem ??

Publié : 17/04/2019 4:41 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Printer problems after cancelled print

Same here - if I cancel a print, or a job stops for any other reason, a power off while removing the mess is the best "Next Step" ...

ps: the big red X (RESET) on the LCD panel is almost the same as a power off, as it does reset the printer, but I feel better with the power switch to know it is actually starting from the beginning.

Publié : 17/04/2019 9:38 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Printer problems after cancelled print

RetireeJay - I was printing from the SD card although printing direct from a PC does sound interesting.

robin.a - I had installed the latest firmware before the issue occurred. I'm interested in what you mean by 'reset the printer'. Do you literally mean hitting the reset button on the front or something else?

tim.m30 - A power off certainly sounds better than the 'auto home' option I tired! I assume the printer returns to the home position and works correctly when you power it back up again? Perhaps the 'auto home' option alters the default home position instead of sending the printhead to the default position. I will have to read through the manual more thoroughly tonight.

Thanks for the replies,

Publié : 17/04/2019 10:35 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Printer problems after cancelled print

If you stop a print with the X reset button, once the printer has rebooted do not try to home the extruder. Instead just press and hold the knob for a couple of seconds. That automatically take you to the Z axis lift. Spin the knob to raise the X axis up and away from your print.

Then let your printer cool to a safe level i.e. hotend below 50 degrees. Remove the bed and clean off your failed print. Switch the printer off and back on for a complete reset before attempting further printing.

Publié : 18/04/2019 7:47 am
Membre Moderator
Re: Printer problems after cancelled print

This sometimes happens if you stop a print. Soft (x-Button) or hard reset (power off/on) it an continue printing.


Publié : 18/04/2019 8:54 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Printer problems after cancelled print

Thanks for these replies. It's great to have some concrete steps to follow if / when I have a problem in the future.

Publié : 19/04/2019 2:32 pm
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