Printer force me to take out and in the filament before the print, why?
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Printer force me to take out and in the filament before the print, why?  

kurt _hectic
Active Member
Printer force me to take out and in the filament before the print, why?



I hope that will be an easy one:


What I had, and what I want: 


Bed leveling

Sample line

1st later print

Printing the test of the model




What I have, dunno why:


Bed leveling

Sample line

Extruder goes to the side, and I'm asked to take out and in the filament, which completely destroy the:

1st later print





Napsal : 08/11/2023 1:50 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Printer force me to take out and in the filament before the print, why?

Almost sounds like you have an issue with the setting of the filament being loaded and what the printer thinks it should be using.  Do the test files on the SD card work? 

If the samples on the SD card that came with the printer works, then it may be related to your print file.  If you can save the project file and zip it, then upload it for someone to look at the model and code.


Napsal : 09/11/2023 10:26 pm
Illustrious Member

Two possibilities: as @robin_13 suggests you may have a change filament instruction in the gcode; if you haven't edited the start code the two possibilities are that the code was sliced for an MMU, or that you clicked on the slider in the slicer and forced a colour change.

Or: Your filament sensor is faulty - perhaps just a loose plug, possibly a broken connector - to test disable the filament sensor temporarily  (LCD menu) - if the print runs OK look there ... you can run OK without the sensor but you lose the run-out detection.


Napsal : 10/11/2023 12:21 am
kurt _hectic
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer force me to take out and in the filament before the print, why?

Thank you. I disabled the sensor and now it's ok. When I'll find out what was the reason, I'll come back to write it down.

Napsal : 10/11/2023 6:59 am