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Print quality problem with treefrog  

New Member
Print quality problem with treefrog

Hello, I'm new to printing, I'm very happy of the Prusa i3 MK3 so far, but I'm still learning.

I need some help troubleshooting treefrog.
It has some flaws on the legs and under the neck is rough to the touch.
I thought it may be caused by overextrusion, so I adjusted the extruder idler screws, then tried to extrude 100mm of filament and it correctly used 100mm

Benchy came out just fine:

Thank you

Veröffentlicht : 26/12/2018 1:19 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Print quality problem with treefrog

What does the frog look like when you print the gcode from the SD card?

Veröffentlicht : 26/12/2018 8:04 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Print quality problem with treefrog

The frog in the pictures is from the SD card. The one with layer height 0.05, it took about 4 hours (not the "variable speed" one).

Veröffentlicht : 26/12/2018 8:36 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Print quality problem with treefrog

Did you slice it or did you use the sliced version. Trying to find something to work from. Especially since the Benchy looks okay.

Actually - someone had a similar looking issue - 0.15mm builds worked, but 0.05 builds didn't and looked "messy".

It turned out to be he had not adjusted the tension of the extruder idler gear properly. Read up on the idler door issue (the shaft isn't long enough and if not careful it doesn't mate with both support tabs - there's a video posted on it). Also - once the idler gear shaft is properly seated, then you need to adjust the tension screws so they apply the correct bite on the filament. Basically, with no filament in, tighten the screws until they barely contact the springs, then add one turn; and I've also used two turns.

Veröffentlicht : 27/12/2018 12:24 am
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Print quality problem with treefrog

thanks for the replies, the frog in the previous pictures was from the sd card shipped with the printer.
Today I tried to adjust again the idler door but I noticed something weird.
If I stard extruding with the door open, the gear on the motor shaft has enough force to pull down the filament alone (you can see it in the video below).

I closed the idler door and tightened the screws a bit.

When I unloaded the filament I noticed that that side facing the motor shaft has noticeable marks, while on the side facing the door are barely visible

I tried to print frog again with different layer heights, this time i sliced it with slic3r PE, you can see the difference between 0.2mm (left) and 0.05mm (right)

Veröffentlicht : 28/12/2018 6:39 pm
Noble Member
Re: Print quality problem with treefrog

Should 0.05 be printing cleaner than that with the 0.4 nozzle?

I ran off a bunch of Benchies my first weekend and I found that combination looked terrible (pretty much as shown here), but .1, .15, and .2 settings all looked good. My .05 test with my .25 nozzle was clean too (which is why I just assumed that .05 was too tight for the .4 nozzle).

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Veröffentlicht : 28/12/2018 6:52 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Print quality problem with treefrog

The fact the single gear can drive filament is surprising (I've never tried it); but I suspect it doesn't work well when the printer tries to reverse quickly or jerk he filament between moves. This lack of control leaves behind too much filament in some places, and can cause the thin layers in others. Both visible on your model. Here's another thread discussing a similar issue (0.20 ok, 0.05 bad).

Here's my door, the screw threads are through the nuts, and the tips approaching the exterior surface. The idea is the springs are sized to apply the proper tension, so the screws must compress the springs a little bit. But if you over tighten you end up with too much tension and you get other problems. That's why you need to feel the screws contact the springs, then tighten one or two turns.

Veröffentlicht : 28/12/2018 7:26 pm