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[Risolto] Print Fan Error - fan spins, can change rpm from Settings  

Active Member
Print Fan Error - fan spins, can change rpm from Settings

I was about to start my freshly assembled (purchased used) Prusa MK3S+, after making sure firmware for printer and mmu were updated, and it started the temperature calibration. Soon into the process, I got a PRINT FAN ERROR. So, I went here: to see what may be the issue.

- I checked continuity in wires. All three wires (yellow, red, black) are in good order.

- I checked if I can alter Print Fan RPM from Settings/Temperature/Fan Speed: Affirmative. I can alter the rpm and it reflects in the actual fan rotation speed. But, every time, after setting the fan manually, it prompts PRINT FAN ERROR, few seconds later.

- I checked Support/Extruder Info, and it reads 0 rpm, even though I can see the fan spinning, no interrupted wire, and I made sure the connector was properly seated.



Postato : 30/10/2023 7:31 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print Fan Error - fan spins, can change rpm from Settings

So... I fixed it, and it was "user stupidity" 😀 ... as the original fan was cracked, I thought to replace it, and I knew I had spares... what I didn't know (and didn't bother to check), was the other fans were 12V instead of 5V. Once I discovered the issue, and installed the correct fan, everything went to normal.

Postato : 03/11/2023 2:29 am
Trusted Member
RE: Print Fan Error - fan spins, can change rpm from Settings

Good to hear - although it would have been useful (and relevant) to post your fan replacement history in your OP. 🙂 

Postato : 20/12/2023 4:21 am