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PLA filament "assaulted" the hot end and nozzle  

New Member
PLA filament "assaulted" the hot end and nozzle

Hi everyone,

I have just started in the 3D print world by assembling the i3 MK3.
After some very nice printing with the Slic3rPE, I tried the ideamaker slicer.
Probably due to some wrong setting in the slicer, I encountered this problem: the PLA filament
instead of flowing vertically towards the bed, started twisting on itself and almost submerged
the hot end and the nozzle (see the image). The PLA is very strongly attached to them, so not easy to remove.
Which is the correct way for cleaning everything and restore the hot end and nozzle at their original state?



Publié : 14/05/2018 11:53 pm
Estimable Member
Re: PLA filament "assaulted" the hot end and nozzle

I just heat it up and use a brass brush. Cleans up nice.

Publié : 15/05/2018 1:32 am
Honorable Member
Re: PLA filament "assaulted" the hot end and nozzle

I like to heat it up to around 100 and use a wire brush if it doesn't pull off with needle nose pliers. Makes a strong case for using the "pro" socks from e3d, no slipping issues like the old ones that partially covered the nozzles.

If it continues curling like that there's a blockage in there somewhere.

Publié : 15/05/2018 1:42 am
Prominent Member
Re: PLA filament "assaulted" the hot end and nozzle

And adjust the Z level of your nozzle to avoid this problem in the future. (Lower the nozzle)

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Publié : 15/05/2018 8:15 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: PLA filament "assaulted" the hot end and nozzle

Thanks for all the suggestions, I will try them

Publié : 16/05/2018 6:23 pm
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