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PLA Bed Adhesion issues, Help!  

Eminent Member
PLA Bed Adhesion issues, Help!

Brand new to printing here. I've now tried to print the Prusa log 3 times on my new MK3 kit with powder-coated bed and failed each time. I've run through the Z calibration several times and have played with the live Z adjustment a fair bit to try to get the nozzle height right. Each attempt has gotten a little further into the print before failing, but it's the same each time. At some point, the print starts to warp off the bed and then the nozzle catches it and I have to stop the print.
My current attempt is using a lower nozzle temp (210) and a higher bed temp (65) vs the standard settings (215 & 60).

If this one doesn't stick, what other variables should I look at? I'm cleaning the bed is alcohol after ever print. Not sure what else to try or how much to change the operating temps. Different references say temps for PLA are anywhere from 180-215 for nozzle and 60-80 for the bed.

If it works to tweak the default temp settings, how do I change them permanently?

Opublikowany : 20/01/2019 2:55 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: PLA Bed Adhesion issues, Help!

Large part warping can be reduced by raising bed temp 5 or 10 or even 15c.

But underlying that is the chance for the notorious finger print causing adhesion loss. If you have never touched the bed, great. If you are like all other people who own printers, you have touched the bed, and, well, it needs to be washed. Many many threads dealing with bed cleanliness to find here.

Opublikowany : 21/01/2019 5:03 am
Vegas Pay LLC
Eminent Member
Re: PLA Bed Adhesion issues, Help!

I have the same problem. It drove me nuts. My printer was assembled and I know it tested perfectly because of the fancy PRUSA racetrack that was on it when I got it.

The very first time I fired it up it wanted calibration and the extruder bounced the heat plate hard pushing down on nine points. I think this screwed up the nozzle.

I tried a very slow first layer with a brim and the temp bumped up an addition 5 degrees. I slowed the speed way down and set it to print outside perimeters first and work the way in. I made the brim ridiculously longer than necessary.

So two opposite sides the brim filaments were spaced apart when they should have been adjacent. At the corners where the was sharp turns around a square is where the filaments were placed so closely that they seemed to pile up on each other. And after the first layer was done then the nozzle hit the higher corners and raked the whole first layer off the heated plate.

So I think I had a damaged nozzle that was extruding in the wrong direction. It was causing globs. I think a bad nozzle tip explains why some sides of brim around my square are gaps between strings and other corners are too close and building up too high into the second layer level. Also, l looked closer at my printing plate and I could see where there are nine puncture marks from the nozzle being forced to hard onto it.

The first thing I should have done was check the PINDA, straight out of the box.

Opublikowany : 21/01/2019 6:56 am
Illustrious Member
Re: PLA Bed Adhesion issues, Help!

If it works to tweak the default temp settings, how do I change them permanently?

In Slic3r, you can change the filament specifics, like first layer temps for bed and nozzle. Then save them as your own profile for your brand and type of filament.

Opublikowany : 21/01/2019 7:10 pm