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PETG Not Sticking to PC Bed  

Active Member
PETG Not Sticking to PC Bed

I'm having issues with Amazon Basics PETG on my new Prusa powder coated bed. It seems to stick ok (lightly scraping with finger nail), then in the middle of a straight line float above the surface, then stick well again, etc. Eventually, it all ends up in a blob on the nozzle. I have tried:

  • Cleaning the bed very well with IPA (at room temperature)
  • Adjusting live-z up/down, either get blobs or not sticking, but even "the perfect balance" on this sheet still just barely adheres and most of the filament is just resting on the surface after it cools
  • Lowering nozzle temp
  • Raising bed temp
  • Increasing first layer to 0.3mm in PrusaSlicer
  • Drying filament in dehydrator immediately before the print

Note: I have no issues at all with my old smooth PEI sheet, everything sticks perfect with just an IPA wipe down (yes, even PETG prints better with IPA and flexes off fine, I used to use Windex, but no longer need to for release).

I would really like to start using the PC sheet as I love the texture and robustness of it.

Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2019 11:21 am
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: PETG Not Sticking to PC Bed

soap and water wash.....

Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2019 1:05 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: PETG Not Sticking to PC Bed

I haven't tried yet, as Prusa lists it as a very last resort (after saying not to do it). If no other solutions work, I can try it.

When exposed to high humidity, it corrodes and loses its properties. Therefore, do not clean the sheet with water. It is possible to do that only if you have truly tried everything mentioned and your objects still don’t stick to the surface. It could mean that you have sugar-based compounds on your sheet that can’t be dissolved with IPA.

Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2019 4:02 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: PETG Not Sticking to PC Bed

Hi Wes, I use dish soap and water with hot water rinse and dry with plain paper towel, works like a charm, however PETG usually sticks too well, can you show us a picture of a first layer please?


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2019 5:34 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: PETG Not Sticking to PC Bed

Sure, I'll run another test print tonight for a picture, then clean with dish soap and water, followed by IPA, followed by another test print. Hopefully it resolves the issues!

Thanks for the suggestions of dish soap, I was shying away on the powder coated sheet due to the recommendations from their blog post.

Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2019 5:42 pm