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PETG First Layer Issues  

New Member
PETG First Layer Issues

I've had issues printing PETG first layers since I recently set printer up again. I've tried tweaking first layer Z setting live only, haven't tried tweaking anythning else (temps, etc.). Thought I'd see if anyone saw this having a common remedy?

Thank you!

Napsal : 15/06/2019 8:53 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: PETG First Layer Issues

After a few days of a plate not being used, I too routinely notice that the plate no longer properly adheres PETG 1st layer. Interestingly IPA wipe, even with copious alcohol doesn't cure the problem. IPA sometimes even makes it worse. I don't know the mechanism for this happening, but what DOES cure it is.....

Scrub entire surface with a FRESH Mr Clean Magic Eraser, Dawn dishwashing soap, and warm water. Do not touch the surface with fingers after rinsing. Dry with new paper towel, taking care not to touch surface with any parts of the towel your fingers have touched. This always brings back the PEI to a wonderful, PETG 1st layer condition. 

Thereafter, occasional IPA is all that is needed if the plate is routinely used. 

Something happens when you don't use the plate, but at least there is a way to get it back to normal.

Napsal : 15/06/2019 10:57 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: PETG First Layer Issues

At higher temps, the PEI oxidizes. Soap and water remove some of the oxides.  Acetone is also useful on occasion because it removes the oxides and a bit of PEI leaving a factory fresh surface.   But I usually follow acetone or alcohol with soap and water to rinse off everything the chemicals have lifted.  Just can't beat a few gallons of hot water for rinsing.

Napsal : 16/06/2019 4:57 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PETG First Layer Issues

Thanks for feedback. It looks like cleaning without alchohol and more of soapy solution did me in. I'm not 100% there but see improvement. I'll try Mr Clean next.

Napsal : 16/06/2019 2:21 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: PETG First Layer Issues

Alcohol has a nasty habit of taking oils from your fingers and depositing them on the bed ... gloves will eliminate the transfer.  Soap and water, with proper rinse, is best.  But if you are like me and have soft water, I rinse in hot until I see water beading on the PEI, otherwise there is still a soap film.

Napsal : 16/06/2019 6:33 pm