P.I.N.D.A Probe setting with Zip tie technique not working
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P.I.N.D.A Probe setting with Zip tie technique not working  

Active Member
P.I.N.D.A Probe setting with Zip tie technique not working

I have just assembled my MK3S kit, and as per the pre-flight tests I am supposed to put a zip tie on the bed (without any sheet), and set the pinda probe on it gently and then tighten the screw. When i do that Z calibration fails, says that the points were not found (something). However, when i manually try to set the pinda just about a little bit above the nozzle tip, it works fine and z calibration is able to find the 9 points. This works fine with PLA on Smooth sheet, but when i swap out the filament to PETG and Textured sheet and re-try the z-calibration for the new sheet (minus 0.310 something), and after this I try the live z-calibration at that time Pinda probe drags the petg lines.. 

Why wont the zip tie method work for me?

Veröffentlicht : 28/05/2020 11:45 pm
Active Member
RE: P.I.N.D.A Probe setting with Zip tie technique not working

no idea, but when i did the zip tie myself, i had 1.3mm z offset (nozzle too high by default)

but it DOES work on textured sheet and petg for me. So try to set it maginally higher and try again?

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 5 years von Flo
Veröffentlicht : 29/05/2020 11:07 am
Estimable Member
RE: P.I.N.D.A Probe setting with Zip tie technique not working

Once set the probe should not need to be moved only an adjustment on the Z. You can test the probe by scrolling to Support then Sensor Info PINDA 0 = no metal below and PINDA 1 = metal detected. So long as this toggles 0/1 when you put a piece of metal under it the probe is fine. As for the zip tie. That's only a rough guide to ensure the probe does not hit the bed and is above the tip of the nozzle. But it works. I would do it again ensuring the zip tie is flat on the bed and you are on the mid- point of the zip tie not the pointy end.


Veröffentlicht : 29/05/2020 2:21 pm
Famed Member
RE: P.I.N.D.A Probe setting with Zip tie technique not working

I agree that the zip tie method is imprecise and could vary according to brands/batches/tolerances of the zip ties.

Do we have any concise figures as to exactly what the height difference between the nozzle tip and the bottom of the Pinda probe should be?

Veröffentlicht : 29/05/2020 2:33 pm
Estimable Member
RE: P.I.N.D.A Probe setting with Zip tie technique not working

In short no. But my zip ties are 1.15mm at the mid point. I wouldn't get too hung up on this dimension as it is not that precise a device. Step one check the probe works step 2 redo the zip tie trick, step 3 check that the probe doesn't move after you have tightened it in place.



Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 5 years von Andrew
Veröffentlicht : 29/05/2020 2:44 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: P.I.N.D.A Probe setting with Zip tie technique not working

No there’s no precise value. The Pinda is supposed to be sensitive up to around 2mm but I should imagine even that could vary slightly. That’s one reason I like to have it around 1000 (1mm).  If the zip tie isn’t precise there is at least one model on thingiverse for setting the pinda, a pinda spacer if you will to use instead. 

Veröffentlicht : 29/05/2020 2:45 pm