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(Orange) Prusa PLA does not stick to powder coated bed  

Active Member
(Orange) Prusa PLA does not stick to powder coated bed

To keep the "PLA does not stick" thread clean, I will post my own problems and observations here.

Please read the "PLA does not stick" thread for my posts:

These are my findings during my tests to get PLA stick to the POWDER COATED bed,
* cleaning with different kind of degreaser / soaps / detergent did not give a significant change.
* raising bed temperature from 55 to 60 degrees did not help
* different z layer calibrations did not help

I tried multiple times to print the magnetic holder for the IKEA Prusa Enclosure in Orange PLA.
None of them was finished because they all came lose off the bed at around 2.5mm to 4mm print height.

Finally I changed from orange Prusa PLA to the grey Prusa PLA that was packed with my printer.
The orange (and a black) PLA was ordered separately in the same order.

During a testprint with Orange a 20x20x20 cubic did not stick to the bed. It separated from the bed at 75%
Changing to grey Prusa made it possible to print the complete cubic.

Today I redid my z calibratoon with the grey Prusa PLA.
A 20x20x2 layer was printed three times with 3 different z layer heights: -0.950, -0.925 and -0.900

Please comment on the attached pictures.

The best looking print was the -0.900.
Lower z heights resulted in a unsmooth top surface.

The -0.900 print is also very tough.
I can't pull it apart sideways. The adjacent filamant lines are holding together very well.
Holding against the window, I can't see any lines that are not 'welded' together.

The texture of the powder coated bed is very visable on all prints

Veröffentlicht : 09/12/2018 12:59 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: (Orange) Prusa PLA does not stick to powder coated bed

Gvt: I can only add that other people are printing with the textured PEI without issue. The -0.900 setting looks good to me, you can probably rule out layer 1 thickness issues. I'll assume you've tried other PLA, without success. You could try a serious acetone wash: with a new bottle of acetone, pour a puddle in the middle of the bed and wiping it around with a fresh paper towel, letting it drip off a side rather than evaporate. That risks damaging the bed of course, but at this point, you haven't much to lose.

Veröffentlicht : 09/12/2018 6:36 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: (Orange) Prusa PLA does not stick to powder coated bed

I washed the bed in aceton already. But no real advantage / change.

I am printing the magnetic IKEA door part at the moment and it is alreadywarping and loose from the bed on the left side. See picture.
I will stop printing for now and wait for the PEI sheet.

!!PRUSA I am very disappointed 😥 !!

Veröffentlicht : 09/12/2018 8:30 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: (Orange) Prusa PLA does not stick to powder coated bed

You can help large objects by increasing bed temperature 5 or 10c. I suspect the power coated sheets are thicker and conduct less heat to the surface than the normal PEI sheets. My thin sheet only hits 55c when set to 60. The powder coating may reduce it more.

Others have recommended lowering fan speed, too. This helps the part cool more evenly. My thinking is the fan is usually only "required" for overhangs and bridges.

Veröffentlicht : 09/12/2018 8:33 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: (Orange) Prusa PLA does not stick to powder coated bed

grrrr 👿 while typing above email, the part has come loose from the bed.

I don't understand why the z layer calibration operates at 60 degrees bed temperature and the standard PLA temperature while printing is 55 degrees,

You don't want to know how 👿 I am . Very very disappointed.

Hopefully PRUSA wil come with a statement. I think they should.... This is unacceptable!

Veröffentlicht : 09/12/2018 8:35 pm
Reputable Member
Re: (Orange) Prusa PLA does not stick to powder coated bed


I know it is frustrating and a challenge when problems like this pop up. I cannot explain why that print keeps failing on you and the advice in the other thread regarding cleanliness and Live Z adjustment was good.

It seems that part is the issue that is hanging you up and it is for the enclosure.

Since you are trying to print just that part (eg not a combination of different parts at the same time) , you could enable a Brim in Prusa Control or Slic3r PE and generate a GCODE for just that part and print with a Brim and see if that helps to keep it from dislodging it while printing. Sometimes some parts have shapes that cause problems and a brim can fix it.

I honestly do not remember if I had an issue with printing that part when i did my enclosure, I very well may have, but I do not use it in my enclosure as I could not find the right size magnets.

Edit to add something I forgot: You mentioned the imprint of the PC sheet can be seen on the prints. Yes, that will always happen. All prints on a PC sheet show the texture of the sheet on the bottom layer. If you do not want that you have to get a smooth PEI sheet.

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Veröffentlicht : 09/12/2018 11:56 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: (Orange) Prusa PLA does not stick to powder coated bed

If you got a gcode from elsewhere, whoever created it may have used a cooler bed temp. All the Prusa PLA defaults I've used in Slic3r are 60c. Try bumping the bed temp up to 70c using the TUNE function.

From my perspective - and don't take it wrong, only trying to help and they might be shadows - but the circled spots look like patches I get on my PEI sheet when I touch it. In any case, I understand the frustration ... been there.

Veröffentlicht : 10/12/2018 1:49 am
Reputable Member
Re: (Orange) Prusa PLA does not stick to powder coated bed


I have spots like that on my PC sheet, always have since it was new. They do not move or come off and appear permanent. I figured it was from the manufacturing process...

From my perspective - and don't take it wrong, only trying to help and they might be shadows - but the circled spots look like patches I get on my PEI sheet when I touch it. In any case, I understand the frustration ... been there.

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Veröffentlicht : 10/12/2018 2:25 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: (Orange) Prusa PLA does not stick to powder coated bed

I am using PrusaControl to make the gcode. I will try with Slic3r PE.

If you got a gcode from elsewhere, whoever created it may have used a cooler bed temp. All the Prusa PLA defaults I've used in Slic3r are 60c. Try bumping the bed temp up to 70c using the TUNE function.

Veröffentlicht : 10/12/2018 6:45 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: (Orange) Prusa PLA does not stick to powder coated bed

use slic3r-pr Prusa control has been deprecated and is no longer updated and a pert that size should be using a Brim on my printer with the PC surface a brim is needed more often than printing the same part on the smooth sheet

Veröffentlicht : 10/12/2018 9:50 pm