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Noises on all axises  

New Member
Noises on all axises

Hello Prusa Makers!

sooo, for the last 2 months, I was observing my printer and chatting with the support, but I'm not satisfied with the results (support claims that these noises are normal).

Please listen to the usual work of my printer (assembled from the kit).


Questions here. Is this a normal behavior of the printer? Please refer to all videos (I didn't film Z-axis noise, but I'm assuming that the root causes could be the same. I added a slab under the printer and it helped, but not eliminated the problem. I was also thinking to change the Masumi bearing with the printed version. Or maybe this is a problem with bearings holders? Also, is the wobbly noise coming from near the extruder is ok?

Postato : 19/08/2021 11:19 am
Peter M
Noble Member

Search on forum(and google) on what parts can make more noise, and to check if these parts are correct tightened, or need adjustment.

If search forum you should have known, that your table is making noise, it is making the printers noise louder, in the forum(and google), users are putting a big piece of brick under the printer, then noise cannot go to the table.  I have screwed the table to the wall, so it does not move.

Noise is normal(I think), i know some movements it makes more noise but that is sometimes normal, you can sloe the high speed movements from 200-180 to 100, I do that.



Postato : 19/08/2021 7:37 pm
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
Learn about squash ball feet

The noises you hear are normal.  They are mostly caused by your environment where you have located the printer - the noises resonate and can be amplified by hollow spaces such as tables and shelves.  If a slab helped some, do yourself a favor and print up some squash ball feet (You have to buy 4 double-yellow dot squash balls).  

You can reduce the noises at the source (they are very small) - but preventing the resonance transferring and growing louder will give you the best bang for the buck.  I got one of my two MK3S nearly totally silent and it was quite an expensive upgrade (change out the stock steppers on X Y and Z to Moons).  The other one I just put squash ball feet on and built it on day 1 with drylins, and it is nearly as quiet as the one I spent all of that $$ on.

Postato : 20/08/2021 7:42 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Noises on the all axises

The noises that you are hearing is with the squash slab modification.


Are you sure guys that I have done everything proper? When watching other printers work culture seems that with mine something is not working in the right order.

Postato : 20/08/2021 8:58 pm
Peter M
Noble Member

Search the forum for noise(and google), some parts can make noise, in the forum they tell which part, and you can check your printer.


Postato : 22/08/2021 5:00 am