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My whole extruder assembly melted.  

New Member
My whole extruder assembly melted.

I was was preheating my nozzle for a nozzle change. I set it to 285 like the video said. It seem like it was very slow to heat it was stuck at 190 on the temp. Then I start smelling plastic and the extruder assembly started to droop. I instantly start unscrewing everything in the assembly to try salvage parts before it became a solid block. 

I have no idea where to begin to even try to fix this nightmare or why this even happened.

Photo of melt down

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 5 years par slytin
Publié : 28/02/2020 6:38 pm
RE: My whole extruder assembly melted.

Looks like your hot-end fan was not running/jammed and *all* of the metal was getting hot. There's no other way the *top* of the v6 heatsink could have gotten hot enough to melt plastic. Under normal operating conditions the fins are only a bit above the ambient air used to cool them.

Also explains the temp readings, you were basically heating the entire v6 and surrounding plastic. That's going to take a *lot* of energy.


Publié : 28/02/2020 9:23 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: My whole extruder assembly melted.

Based on the liquidity of the melted plastic shown - and beyond the extruder fan being jammed - I'd suggest the thermistor also failed, resulting in a stuck 190 reading. All in all, the cost of a new hot end isn't that much, with most of the time you'll be spending going into undoing all the wire sleeve to replace cabling.

Contact Prusa CHAT and tell then what you need and they should be able to get you the parts you need that are not on the store pages.

Ce message a été modifié il y a 5 years par --
Publié : 29/02/2020 1:31 am
ArmedLeftist a aimé
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: My whole extruder assembly melted.


Thank you!

Publié : 01/03/2020 3:11 am
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