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Model detaches during print  

New Member
Model detaches during print

I have tried printing this twice. Same thing happens... The model seems to stick fine to the bed for the first hour or so. Then it starts to lose the grip along the edges - especially the left one. And the print ends up crashing.

The bed is cleaned with isopropyl alcohol before the print. And the printer is calibrated.

Can you guys help me out. What can cause this to happen?


Posted : 12/03/2021 4:32 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Model detaches during print

There looks to be gaps between the filament lines indicating your live Z is too high which causes poor bed adhesion, have a look at this thread for a better way to set it:

Also, alcohol doesn't remove grease, if it looks dirty or has finger prints then a clean of the sheet with hot water and dish soap and dry with paper towels is recommended.

Posted : 12/03/2021 4:55 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Model detaches during print

I strongly recommend using the square z calibration patter rather than the built-in z-cal procedure.

The test pattern prints a nice size square with diagonal fill.  Once it starts the square, slowly adjust your live-z from A to B then inspect the result of the square.  You can then choose a proper live-z from where in the square the first layer looks good.  You can simply estimate between A and B.

I'll look for the z-cal pattern now and post it here.


edit - ah, the link that Lize posted refers to that pattern.  Just save that pattern to your OctoPrint or SD card and leave it there for occasional use.

This post was modified 4 years ago by HeneryH
Posted : 12/03/2021 4:59 pm
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
RE: Model detaches during print

Learn about Live Z (calibration is not enough)

Learn about Brim

Posted : 12/03/2021 7:55 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Model detaches during print

Thank you so much guys..

The alternative Live-Z method was a true eye-opener and made much more sense to me than the original one.

Printing the test model now and it looks like it will finish this time

Posted : 13/03/2021 3:46 pm