MK3S went from printing fine to cannot pass bed leveling without crashing into the bed
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MK3S went from printing fine to cannot pass bed leveling without crashing into the bed  

Active Member
MK3S went from printing fine to cannot pass bed leveling without crashing into the bed

Upgrade to MK3S worked perfectly until yesterday. Each time I send a print job from sdcard, the autolevel starts then the head crashes into the bed. I've done an XYZ reset, re-set the PINDA level using the zip tie, and when I start the XYZ calibration, the head rises to the top of the frame like it should, then comes down to the bed (no steel plate installed) and starts the algnment on the paper after which is starts to grind the extruder head into the head bed. I have tried lowering the PINDA and same results. Help, what is going on that the printer worked for almost 3 days straight then started crashing the extruder head into the bed. Thanks in advance for your help

Respondido : 06/09/2019 5:46 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S went from printing fine to cannot pass bed leveling without crashing into the bed

just reset the pinda with the zip tie again, extruder head barely touch head bed without steel plate.  did factory reset of all data.  following startup instructions, found home, went to top and confirmed no steel sheet installed.  decended and started 1 of 4 searching.  after about 30 seconds, hearing paper being scratched followed by extruder straping heat bed, turned off.  something is wrong with this rig.


Ran hardware diagnostics and all x, y, z, headbed and extruder passed

Respondido : 06/09/2019 6:02 am
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: MK3S went from printing fine to cannot pass bed leveling without crashing into the bed

PINDA is no longer functioning, part of its cable has broken, or the PINDA connector is loose at the EINSY.

You already set the physical height.

1. Check PINDA itself - does the light extinguish when metal approaches it? If yes, then less likely the PINDA itself is broken. It still could be but less likely.

2. Check PINDA cable is plugged into EINSY fully - visual and mechanical inspection

3. Check PINDA cable is not partially broken. Check in LCD support menu for filament sensor status. Does that change when you trigger the PINDA with a metal object? If not, the cable is broken (still supplies power, but signal wire is broken).


Respondido : 06/09/2019 6:05 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S went from printing fine to cannot pass bed leveling without crashing into the bed

Thanks for the quick response.  I took a metal spatula and touched it to the bottom of the pinda and the light did turn off.  I inspected the cable and unplugged from the motherboard and plugged back in.  all seems in good order.  

I did auto home and it moved to front left corner of the bed with pinda over the round hole and the light turned off.  I tried XYZ calibration and it was now successful (all 4 calibration points and 9 bed level points).  Then did the first layer calibration which failed on the first bed level point (error message: "Bed sensor failed.  Sensor didnt trigger.  Debris on nozzle? Waiting for reset" ---  NOTE: PINDA light is on and extruder pressing into steel sheet).  

Two things/comments:

1. I did find is disabling steppers disables only X and Y axis.  Z are both still locked.  On another printer I have, this disables all 3 axis.  I tried it a couple times and same results.

2. I only print PET but first level calibration only supports PLA.  Any chance of a new firmware supporting PET or other materials besides PLA for this calibration step?  Printing PLA on the MK3 is difficult if not impossible for me to get it to stick so stopped using that material



Respondido : 06/09/2019 3:02 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: MK3S went from printing fine to cannot pass bed leveling without crashing into the bed

After a rebuild the Live-Z value is probably still lurking, and driving the nozzle into the bed.  Make sure you do a full data clear reset or manually go in and set Live-Z to ZERO.

But if the PINDA is light ON when the nozzle is buried, the PINDA is too high.

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 5 years por --
Respondido : 06/09/2019 5:01 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: MK3S went from printing fine to cannot pass bed leveling without crashing into the bed

NOTE: PINDA light is on and extruder pressing into steel sheet).  

PINDA is mounted too high. Get that PINDA 0.8 mm above tip of nozzle. The zip tie has a variable thickness depending on maker and where on the tie you are using as your measure. That's why I have my PINDA gauge on Thingiverse, but that doesn't help you when you can't print. In the mean time, grab your calipers and find a section of the zip tie that is 0.8 mm thick.

1. Make sure your nozzle tip is clean.

2. Turn printer completely OFF

3. Manually lower z by rotating the z-screws until tip of nozzle just touch bed. 

4. Loosen PINDA and set its height again. Use a portion of the zip tie you have measured to be 0.8 mm thick.

5. Manually raise Z off bed.

6. Turn on printer and raise Z via knob to hit top of travel. You may need to reset printer once to get enough rise. Getting the hit at top is needed to ensure x-axis is leveled.

7. Redo XYZ calibration.

8. Once it gets through that and complains about live-Z not having  been set ignore the warning.

9. Perform Live-Z while printing attached PETG test file. (unzip it to get STL file)



Attachment removed
Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 5 years 2 veces por Bunny Science
Respondido : 06/09/2019 5:18 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S went from printing fine to cannot pass bed leveling without crashing into the bed

checked live Z, shows 0 after the reset all was complete.  Now PINDA light stays on all the time even when I put metal spatula on the bottom of PINDA.  Unplugged and plugged back in, same result. Ordering new PINDA and will install.  Hope that fixes this.  Thanks for your help

Respondido : 06/09/2019 10:12 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S went from printing fine to cannot pass bed leveling without crashing into the bed

Replaced the Pinda and reset the printer, went through the complete calibration process and is working like a champ again.  Thank you for your help and suggestions.  I appreciate it.

Respondido : 16/09/2019 6:12 am