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MK3S update parts and process.  

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Honorable Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I could not agree more. I paid the more for the MK3 extra features over the MK2, one of which was the sensor.

So I have decided to not do any upgrades and start looking for a new printer that is supported in the US. Only reason I am here now is because I got an auto email from Prusa about the new filament sensor. But typical Prusa idiocy they want to charge to fix something that never worked.

I guess if I was Prusa I would do the same thing since their customer base is brainwashed to think that paying for a defect fix is normal. Perhaps is CZ it is.

So, how much you want for your "dead" mk3 then? Hope you will give us "brainwashed" a good discount. 😆

Posted : 18/02/2019 4:35 am
Reputable Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I could not agree more. I paid the more for the MK3 extra features over the MK2, one of which was the sensor.

So I have decided to not do any upgrades and start looking for a new printer that is supported in the US. Only reason I am here now is because I got an auto email from Prusa about the new filament sensor. But typical Prusa idiocy they want to charge to fix something that never worked.

I guess if I was Prusa I would do the same thing since their customer base is brainwashed to think that paying for a defect fix is normal. Perhaps is CZ it is.

You may find M3D out of Fulton Maryland. Avoid them. They are technically not a scam company, but they sure act like one. They like to ghost on customers who have problems. My MK3 produced better prints on its first day than the M3D Pro ever did. I can get better 3D prints out of my Labrador Retriever than my M3D Pro. And the M3D Pro has been essentially abandoned by M3D. (like I said ghost) The entire printer is a design flaw; and they want to offer a trade-in to their newest model, essentially at regular selling price. But they keep putting off the trade-in program.

Prusa has done ok by me; I’d like to see better, but 3-stars. Most points off for shi**y order fulfillment and shipping costs. Prusa is far superior to M3D, but admittedly that’s not a high bar.

When someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "YES!"

Posted : 18/02/2019 12:58 pm
Member Moderator
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

So I have decided to not do any upgrades and start looking for a new printer that is supported in the US.

Good luck in your quest. I have tried a couple US made printers and they all have failed in comparison to my Prusas.

Posted : 18/02/2019 6:13 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

The USA kit builder I would consider is the one I started with SeeMeCNC at with its Rostock Max line of delta printers I built a Max V2 almost 5 years ago and while their instructions are top notch back then a builder put in 30+ hours to build the kit the new Max V4 is estimated at about 1/2 that due to no longer using laser cut Melamine panels for the frame. the kinematics are very different from a Cartesien and take a bit of fiddling to set up or they did on my V2 but they are very quiet and and can do great work.until I built my Max 3 last October it was my only 3D printer...

Posted : 18/02/2019 6:38 pm
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I could not agree more. I paid the more for the MK3 extra features over the MK2, one of which was the sensor.

So I have decided to not do any upgrades and start looking for a new printer that is supported in the US. Only reason I am here now is because I got an auto email from Prusa about the new filament sensor. But typical Prusa idiocy they want to charge to fix something that never worked.

I guess if I was Prusa I would do the same thing since their customer base is brainwashed to think that paying for a defect fix is normal. Perhaps is CZ it is.

there always seem to be a few peed of people with experiences like this.. but there are ostensibly tens of thousands out there with no problems, myself included. I can't relate to the situation of moving from a MK2 to MK3 though, as I only entered in with the MK3 (I waited for a printer, any printer, that had power panic - my area is famous for power outages (sometimes multi-day, so a UPS isn't any help). Regardless, the performance of my MK3 really can't be faulted. After thousands of hours printing I think I've had maybe one or two issues. Abs, PETG, PLA, no problems. Actually, I lie, printing the ABS fan direction bit on the upgraded R3 cooler took a little work.

Anyway, I think there's probably plenty of very satisfied customers like me. Support has been top notch, any questions I have on chat are answered.. even when I'm in Australia and it's stupid-o'clock in the morning in Europe. Slic3r PE is getting more and more awesome by the week. This is paid for in part by us customers who pay $749USD for an I3 mk3 (and $249 for an MMU2).
So upgrades like the MK3s are awesome, when they not only help the Mk3 owners, but the mmu2 owners too. When I see the piles of youtube videos about the cheaper printers and the myriads of upgrades to bring them up to scratch, it makes my head ache. Support and ongoing improvements are funded by the purchase price.

As a recent MMu2 owner, the free MK3s upgrade is awesome. The purchase price and shipping to Australia was about $75AUD (~45 or 50 USD). All covered by Prusa Research. The parts may not have cost them much in bulk, but UPS is getting their meat which Prusa has to pay for the 10k mmu2 customers out there who have vouchers (if the claim the upgrade, mind you).

But, a standard feature I've noticed with Prusa is their fulfilment times. Nobody would disagree there. In keeping with the tradition, my MK3s upgrade is on back-order. As usual, I cant wait until it is shipped.

Posted : 18/02/2019 11:28 pm
Prominent Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

In keeping with the tradition, my MK3s upgrade is on back-order. As usual, I cant wait until it is shipped.

Mine too, and me also. When I placed the order I distinctly heard a little voice say "here we go again..." 🙂

Posted : 19/02/2019 7:36 am
Member Moderator
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

The USA kit builder I would consider is the one I started with SeeMeCNC at with its Rostock Max line of delta printers

If I were to but another delta type printer it would be from them. I never purchased one before now because the price is just a little out of my range.

Posted : 19/02/2019 5:42 pm
Estimable Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I could not agree more. I paid the more for the MK3 extra features over the MK2, one of which was the sensor.

So I have decided to not do any upgrades and start looking for a new printer that is supported in the US. Only reason I am here now is because I got an auto email from Prusa about the new filament sensor. But typical Prusa idiocy they want to charge to fix something that never worked.

I guess if I was Prusa I would do the same thing since their customer base is brainwashed to think that paying for a defect fix is normal. Perhaps is CZ it is.

That’s exactly my feelings. Paying for a fix is ridiculous. I hope my MK3 will last very long because I will not buy another i3 in the future

Posted : 23/02/2019 8:34 am
Estimable Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I could not agree more. I paid the more for the MK3 extra features over the MK2, one of which was the sensor.

So I have decided to not do any upgrades and start looking for a new printer that is supported in the US. Only reason I am here now is because I got an auto email from Prusa about the new filament sensor. But typical Prusa idiocy they want to charge to fix something that never worked.

I guess if I was Prusa I would do the same thing since their customer base is brainwashed to think that paying for a defect fix is normal. Perhaps is CZ it is.

there always seem to be a few peed of people with experiences like this.. but there are ostensibly tens of thousands out there with no problems, myself included. I can't relate to the situation of moving from a MK2 to MK3 though, as I only entered in with the MK3 (I waited for a printer, any printer, that had power panic - my area is famous for power outages (sometimes multi-day, so a UPS isn't any help). Regardless, the performance of my MK3 really can't be faulted. After thousands of hours printing I think I've had maybe one or two issues. Abs, PETG, PLA, no problems. Actually, I lie, printing the ABS fan direction bit on the upgraded R3 cooler took a little work.

Anyway, I think there's probably plenty of very satisfied customers like me. Support has been top notch, any questions I have on chat are answered.. even when I'm in Australia and it's stupid-o'clock in the morning in Europe. Slic3r PE is getting more and more awesome by the week. This is paid for in part by us customers who pay $749USD for an I3 mk3 (and $249 for an MMU2).
So upgrades like the MK3s are awesome, when they not only help the Mk3 owners, but the mmu2 owners too. When I see the piles of youtube videos about the cheaper printers and the myriads of upgrades to bring them up to scratch, it makes my head ache. Support and ongoing improvements are funded by the purchase price.

As a recent MMu2 owner, the free MK3s upgrade is awesome. The purchase price and shipping to Australia was about $75AUD (~45 or 50 USD). All covered by Prusa Research. The parts may not have cost them much in bulk, but UPS is getting their meat which Prusa has to pay for the 10k mmu2 customers out there who have vouchers (if the claim the upgrade, mind you).

But, a standard feature I've noticed with Prusa is their fulfilment times. Nobody would disagree there. In keeping with the tradition, my MK3s upgrade is on back-order. As usual, I cant wait until it is shipped.

Well you are right indeed. But if we (i also am not satisfied with what I paid for) are only few people, why does the Support not care then?

I got my MK3 into a state that it produces very satisfying results, but it was a long way, lots of emails and convincing Support I have a problem. My bed is still not flat, but is not worth wasting more time with support.

Now my powder coating started to break and fall off from the spot where intro line is printed. I sent an email to Support and no response after two days

Posted : 23/02/2019 8:36 am
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

Now my powder coating started to break and fall off from the spot where intro line is printed. I sent an email to Support and no response after two days

I can't speak for email support, as I've only ever used their online "chat" system. But chat support seems to work just fine. I've had a filament sensor replaced through a chat conversation, they've walked me through diagnosis on the spot.. and even just yesterday they're now sending me 3x PTFE tubes for my MMU2 pulley assembly. <<<< hmmm there should be 5x PTFE-4x2x19 tubes in the MMU2 pulley parts bag but there were only 2 (what the hell!) >>>>

I suggest that you just open up a chat window now... they'll probably ask you for a photo (like they did of my mmu2 parts bag yesterday), and presto. You should have a result.

I've chatted with Pavel a few times. He's been great.

The support team are probably getting absolutely flogged with email support queries. Chat is something that's harder to ignore or get lost, and they may even have a different team handling the two (I can't prove or disprove that though), it's utter conjecture.

Posted : 24/02/2019 3:24 am
Estimable Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

Thanks, I’ll try it.

Posted : 24/02/2019 6:56 am
Eminent Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

Is it worth doing for the einsy case? I'd like a bigger one with a bit more airflow and less cable cram.

Posted : 24/02/2019 10:11 am
Estimable Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

what diameter does the textile extruder cable sleeve have, please?

Posted : 25/02/2019 7:45 pm
Reputable Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

13mm diameter
490 mm length

Posted : 25/02/2019 8:57 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

about 1/2 inch or 13 mm but it is a bit egg shaped in its empty and relaxed state if you unfold unroll it actually the fabric is 60mm wide
my upgrade kit ordered on the afternoon of the 13th Feb arrived a few min ago with a couple of kilos of the very attractive Prusament Mystic green to take a bit of the sting out of the shipping charges

Posted : 25/02/2019 9:01 pm
Reputable Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

Is it worth doing for the einsy case? I'd like a bigger one with a bit more airflow and less cable cram.

The R3 case is the same size. What you get is improved opening for the extruder cable with a cable clamp.
You also get cable clamps for the heat bed and X-axis cables along with a door for a Rpi zero.

If you are doing the extruder upgrade or need the RPI door, then I would go ahead and do it.
Otherwise, I would wait until you need to work on the electronics.

Posted : 25/02/2019 9:03 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

Is it worth doing for the einsy case? I'd like a bigger one with a bit more airflow and less cable cram.

I think the next time I do a major service of things like bearings that mean a teardown and rebuild I will use this Enlarged case

This has now been tested. 😀

This is a beefed up Einsy case for the Prusa Mk3.
It includes:
• Frame brace.
• Reversed Einsy for easy access
• Space for cables so they don't squish all over the board.
• Improved cable access ports
• A port for the MMU cable

14/2/19 - Update fixed nut sockets at extruder cable port. Enlarged bed and MMU ports.
15/2/19 - fixed bed cable port nut socket.

Posted : 25/02/2019 9:56 pm
Honorable Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

So I have decided to not do any upgrades and start looking for a new printer that is supported in the US.

Good luck in your quest. I have tried a couple US made printers and they all have failed in comparison to my Prusas.

I have a buddy who was a couple Lulzbot printers and 3 Prusa printers. When he had an issue with his Lulzbot Taz 6 ($2,500 printer) the support wasn’t able to resolve he had to ship it to Colorado on his dime; $100. On the other hand, I had an issue with my MK3 that support wasn’t able to resolve and they gave me a label to ship my printer back for free so they could look at it. The printer got there overnight and I got it back pretty quick and the issue was resolved.

Posted : 27/02/2019 1:37 am
Trusted Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

You can print the Y tensioner from the full MK3S parts, not sure there are enough spare parts to assemble it from the original MK3 kit. I still think it's an upgrade on the idler hanging from two screws from the frame. I wonder if you could adjust it from bellow, if you put the printer on it's side.

If you had your Y-belt tailored for a previous MK3 version, then it is very likely to be too short for this one, and that is why Prusa omitted it from the upgrade STL pack. The new Y-belt tensioning system requires the belt to be longer than before, so my belt was approx 2 cm too short for this upgrade.

Posted : 18/03/2019 12:47 pm
Eminent Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

You can print the Y tensioner from the full MK3S parts, not sure there are enough spare parts to assemble it from the original MK3 kit. I still think it's an upgrade on the idler hanging from two screws from the frame. I wonder if you could adjust it from bellow, if you put the printer on it's side.

If you had your Y-belt tailored for a previous MK3 version, then it is very likely to be too short for this one, and that is why Prusa omitted it from the upgrade STL pack. The new Y-belt tensioning system requires the belt to be longer than before, so my belt was approx 2 cm too short for this upgrade.

My experience was that it was a perfect fit. I upgraded the Y-belt tensioner to the MK3S one, and the belt was just perfectly long. Maybe there were different parts than R3 from which I upgraded? Anyway, it's also possible to tension it from bellow, when you turn the printer on the side. IMHO, I like it also that it is sturdier, however the reason I like it most is that it is really a big span of adjustments, you can tension it at least 2x the old one.

Posted : 19/03/2019 8:26 am
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