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MK3S update parts and process.  

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Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
MK3S update parts and process.

ok if you decide to update you can either get the $20 set of parts from the PRUSA store
and the instructions at will cover those parts for rbuilding your extruder/X carridge

looking through the other chapters there seems to be a new Y axis tensioner adjustment clamp and process
I dont see anything about replacing them and these 2 parts dont seem to be part of the $20 set of parts

Comments? a set of instructions that start with an assembled MK3 take you through disassembly as far as you need to go and them instruct you on assembling with the new MLK3S parts would be useful I think

Publié : 13/02/2019 10:34 pm
Prominent Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I looked through the assembly manual for the MK3S y-axis, and I would expect the upgrade would be just a couple M3 screws and nuts and a couple printed parts. The $20 option doesn't include the printed parts, and I haven't looked at the provided files to see if they are included there or not.

So, if the $20 upgrade kit includes parts for the new y-axis tensioner, I would expect them to be hidden in the bag of hardware, not something to specifically mention (unlike the new filament sensor which is).

I agree a manual with the disassembly required would be nice. Hopefully it is in process and just going through the last steps in the editing process.

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Publié : 14/02/2019 12:00 am
Illustrious Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I just ordered the full upgrade kit (with printed parts because PETG and I don't get along) and after reading the MK3S kit manual I presume the Y-Axis tensioner change is in some ways a downgrade: it places the adjustment well under the moving bed where you can't see the screw you need to adjust. I'll probably pass on that change and just install the extruder portion concerning the new filament sensor.

Publié : 14/02/2019 6:13 am
Prominent Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I just ordered the full upgrade kit (with printed parts because PETG and I don't get along) and after reading the MK3S kit manual I presume the Y-Axis tensioner change is in some ways a downgrade: it places the adjustment well under the moving bed where you can't see the screw you need to adjust. I'll probably pass on that change and just install the extruder portion concerning the new filament sensor.

That's a tempting idea. Though, I never liked the way the MK3 tensions the belt by not snugging the idler mount to the frame. There are some other options on thingiverse. I think this one is my favorite, but since you have to reach under the frame to access the tensioner, unless you've moved the display it is in the way.

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Publié : 14/02/2019 6:30 am
Eminent Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I printed out the MK3>MK3S upgrade parts and it seems that the Y belt tensioner is not a part of this upgrade (listed here under Original Prusa i3 MK3S upgrade).

You can print the Y tensioner from the full MK3S parts, not sure there are enough spare parts to assemble it from the original MK3 kit. I still think it's an upgrade on the idler hanging from two screws from the frame. I wonder if you could adjust it from bellow, if you put the printer on it's side.

Publié : 14/02/2019 8:48 am
Trusted Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

You can print the Y tensioner from the full MK3S parts, not sure there are enough spare parts to assemble it from the original MK3 kit.

Yes, I have too noticed these two parts to be missing from the upgrade batch. You can always buy the extra screws at any local hardware store. These really don't have to be Prusa branded.

BTW, I've printed them at 40% Gyroid infill for extra strength, even though these two models have internal structure that ensures additional strength.

Publié : 14/02/2019 11:57 am
Prominent Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

You can always buy the extra screws at any local hardware store.

Not necessarily true here in the Great USA, Land of Imperial Units. But, for us USAians we have McMaster which has M3 machine screws available in more variations that I know what to do with. Hex and Nyloc nuts are also available in M3 size. Unfortunately, they don't carry M3 square nuts, the smallest they carry is M4. But, I've seen someone mention somewhere that the M3 square nuts can be found at Amazon.

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Publié : 15/02/2019 12:42 am
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I looked through the assembly manual for the MK3S y-axis, and I would expect the upgrade would be just a couple M3 screws and nuts and a couple printed parts.

FWIW the $20 option DOES come with 300g filament for part printing, so it's not as bad of a deal as it initially sounds for a bearing, sensor, wire, and some magnets.

Publié : 15/02/2019 1:16 am
Prominent Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I looked through the assembly manual for the MK3S y-axis, and I would expect the upgrade would be just a couple M3 screws and nuts and a couple printed parts.

FWIW the $20 option DOES come with 300g filament for part printing, so it's not as bad of a deal as it initially sounds for a bearing, sensor, wire, and some magnets.

Sorry, I was not clear. I was referring to the y-axis portion of the upgrade, ignoring the entirety of the extruder. I'm not so sure now since the stl files for the y-axis tensioner isn't part of the MK3S upgrade files. Time will tell. 😉

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Publié : 15/02/2019 1:59 am
Estimable Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

Do I understand correctly that the new upgrade kit is basically only the new filament sensor? Rest of it is printed parts...

I don’t get it ... why do I have to buy new sensor for 20eur to make my printer detect filament, when it was supposed to do it when i bought the original MK3?

Why this is called an upgrade and not a service program? I would expect everyone gettting free filament sensor as a replacement for that laser sensor (which is NOT WORKING FROM THE BEGINNING!) we all have in our printers.

This is sad ...

Publié : 15/02/2019 7:02 am
New Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

Hello together,

I ordered my printer three days too early so I didn't get the free upgrade voucher 🙁

But besides of that: does anyone has experiences about the upgrade kit already?
How long will take the upgrade need and is print quality really improved?


Publié : 15/02/2019 9:25 am
Eminent Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

As far as I know, the upgrade kits are not shipping yet. So the only way to compare would be to use a full MK3S vs MK3 print, and then some other variations (such as assembly etc.) would play a part. I heard someone asked support and they said that the upgrade kits will be shipping out during March.

Personally I don't expect a huge change in quality, but having the extruder easer to disassemble, and also having it possibly printed in some other colour thank black (semi transparent PETG, khm... ) is kinda worth IMHO. Also one of my bearings on X axis is dying so I will need to disassemble the extruder soon...

Publié : 15/02/2019 9:31 am
New Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

Hello Zoltan,

thanks for your quick reply.

Actually I don't have no need for an upgrade and so I'll wait for first results of quality/assembly.


Publié : 15/02/2019 9:40 am
Trusted Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I purchased the whole MK3S kit and it arrived yesterday. I must admit to being pleasantly surprised that it arrived so quickly. My pleasure soon turned to dismay, however, since the Z axis smooth rails were too long - I had 4 x 370 mm rails, instead of 2 x 370mm and 2 x 320mm. No reply to a support email either!
I hope this isn't a sign of thing to come.


Publié : 16/02/2019 12:08 am
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

Support is probably just swamped. The chat queue was 6x as long as normal last night as a result of the email newsletter going out about the blog post.

Publié : 16/02/2019 1:27 am
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

use the live 24/7 chat system to resolve your rods problem the Email may take a week or more for them to get around to responding to.

Publié : 16/02/2019 3:18 am
Trusted Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I too think that this update should be part of recall for defective engineering. They should have at least covered part of the cost I have almost $50. in it by the time it get to the USA.

Publié : 16/02/2019 3:18 am
Trusted Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

Thanks Randolph et al. I ended up cutting the rods in the lathe, so I ended up with the correct length. The printer is printing now.

Publié : 17/02/2019 2:02 am
Reputable Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

What about the einsy case? Is that part of the upgrade? The textile sleeve for the extruder is.

When someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "YES!"

Publié : 18/02/2019 2:57 am
Active Member
Re: MK3S update parts and process.

I could not agree more. I paid the more for the MK3 extra features over the MK2, one of which was the sensor.

So I have decided to not do any upgrades and start looking for a new printer that is supported in the US. Only reason I am here now is because I got an auto email from Prusa about the new filament sensor. But typical Prusa idiocy they want to charge to fix something that never worked.

I guess if I was Prusa I would do the same thing since their customer base is brainwashed to think that paying for a defect fix is normal. Perhaps is CZ it is.

Publié : 18/02/2019 3:49 am
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