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MK3S - Seeing salmon skin-like artefacts in X and Y  

New Member
MK3S - Seeing salmon skin-like artefacts in X and Y

So, just built a new Mk3S (my first Prusa, but not my first 3D printer), and been making my first few prints on it.

I'm seeing a salmon-skin like pattern in X and Y directions. I haven't had any layer issues, prints have been really nicely smooth vertically, but I do see these micro patterns on curved outer walls. They converge on X and Y axis centres (so if you were looking top down, they'd be at centre back, right middle, centre forward and left middle of a print)

Things I know/am fairly sure it isn't:

  • Its not infill showing through (printing 3 walls, with gyroid infill and with a trusted filament. Gyroid infill would also give a different outer pattern to these lines)

  • It's printing in normal, not stealth mode.

  • Using the preset Slic3r profile 0.10mm DETAIL mk3, so its not some crazy slicing profile.

  • Belt settings show that X belt is 273, Y belt is 295. Know thats a little loose compared to whats recommended here: and thats the next thing Im going to address after this next test print, but also wanted to bounce this off other people in case tightening those belts doesn't help.
    It isn't ringing or ghosting though, as its symmetrical and occurs both before and after changes in direction

  • These artefacts aren't present in the source STL files
  • Running firmware 3.5.3

    Any ideas please folks?

    Postato : 24/02/2019 5:51 pm
    New Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: MK3S - Seeing salmon skin-like artefacts in X and Y

    On bigger circular prints, with different filaments, the artefacts are there too:

    Postato : 24/02/2019 5:53 pm
    New Member
    RE: MK3S - Seeing salmon skin-like artefacts in X and Y

    Artifacts can present in a variety of ways including abnormal shadow noted occur when two separate DR or CR shareit.

    Postato : 27/04/2019 9:40 am