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MK3S - Seeing salmon skin-like artefacts in X and Y
So, just built a new Mk3S (my first Prusa, but not my first 3D printer), and been making my first few prints on it.
I'm seeing a salmon-skin like pattern in X and Y directions. I haven't had any layer issues, prints have been really nicely smooth vertically, but I do see these micro patterns on curved outer walls. They converge on X and Y axis centres (so if you were looking top down, they'd be at centre back, right middle, centre forward and left middle of a print)
Things I know/am fairly sure it isn't:
It isn't ringing or ghosting though, as its symmetrical and occurs both before and after changes in direction
Running firmware 3.5.3
Any ideas please folks?
Postato : 24/02/2019 5:51 pm
RE: MK3S - Seeing salmon skin-like artefacts in X and Y
Artifacts can present in a variety of ways including abnormal shadow noted occur when two separate DR or CR shareit.
Postato : 27/04/2019 9:40 am