MK3S -> First Layer Calibration Issue -> with Poweder Coated Sheet
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MK3S -> First Layer Calibration Issue -> with Poweder Coated Sheet  

Active Member
MK3S -> First Layer Calibration Issue -> with Poweder Coated Sheet

Hello Guys, 

I made the upgrade from MK3 to MK3S yesterday.
Oh boy, it took quite some time but it was very interesting to disassemble and to reassemble everything. 

Before I did the upgrade, I switched back from the nyloc method of bed leveling correction to the original version with spacers.
I felt, that i somehow didnt do it correctly. So, I wanted a clean and fresh start. 

Current Situation: MK3S Upgrade, heatbed mounted on spacers and I use the power coated sheet. 
Live Z Value: -1.330

First Layer Calibration: 
First Layer Calibration - 1

First Layer Calibration - 2

Prusa Mesh Leveling: 

Prusa Mesh Leveling

What do you guys suggest? 

1. Nyloc Method
2. Spring Method 
3. Bed Leveling Correction via printer
4. Playing only with Live Z
5. Something else...?

I do have some spare nyloc nuts, so I "could" do the nyloc method again. But I am also open for other suggestions. 

Thank you guys in advance :). 

Opublikowany : 12/07/2019 9:17 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S -> First Layer Calibration Issue -> with Poweder Coated Sheet

Surface Smoothness: 

Surface Smoothness

Opublikowany : 12/07/2019 9:27 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S -> First Layer Calibration Issue -> with Poweder Coated Sheet

Any advices or tips :)? 

Opublikowany : 14/07/2019 8:11 pm