Mission section in print, yet exists in preview ?..
Large sections of early layers are being ignored by MK3 (3.3.1-845), Slic3r preview shows the gcode is valid, but the printer simply ignores some sections and doesn't print them. 'Crash Detection' feature does not apply here.
The '?' section is the one not being printed in the following example:

Here is looking through a calibration cube bottom layers showing sections missing:

RE: Mission section in print, yet exists in preview ?..
Large sections of early layers are being ignored by MK3 (3.3.1-845), Slic3r preview shows the gcode is valid, but https://ometv.onl https://chatroulette.top https://omegle.wtf https://bazoocam.cam the printer simply ignores some sections and doesn't print them. 'Crash Detection' feature does not apply here.
The '?' section is the one not being printed in the following example:
Here is looking through a calibration cube bottom layers showing sections missing:
thanks my issue has been resolved.
RE: Mission section in print, yet exists in preview ?..
You need to zip up and attach the project file to give us something to work on. As it could be either settings or the model, or even possibly mechanical with your printer. With the project we can check the model, check the settings and then even print it out to check things. At least that way we can hopefully narrow it down.
RE: Mission section in print, yet exists in preview ?..
We'd also need to know details of the filament type and make plus which print surface was being used. How was the printbed cleaned, what adhesives, if any, were used as a separation layer.
From the images it looks like you have variations in the extrusion volume rate. It would have been nice to see pictures of the print before it had been removed from the printbed.
Are you using "dry" filament that has a good filament diameter and cross section tolerance?
Cheap filament tends to vary in both its cross section and diameter causing either over and under extrusion for the same lengths of filament extruded from close lengths on the same roll.
Use a digital micrometer to check that the diameter of your filament is consistent at 10cm intervals over any 1m length and visually confirm that it appears cylindrical (has a circular cross section) over the same length. The filament should be nearly 1.75 mm in diameter with a variation of up to plus or minus 0.05mm or less over any 1 meter length.
Some filament materials absorb water really quickly and outgas the water as steam bubbles when the affected filament section melts in the hotend causing uneven extrusion when a really "wet" section hits the extruder. It can be even worse when the base filament materials are not well mixed during manufacture and vary in composition within short lengths.
RE: Mission section in print, yet exists in preview ?..
This guy is a link spammer, note the sneaky links in his quoted reply.