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Lowering Z axis if head is at the top?  

Active Member
Lowering Z axis if head is at the top?

I powered off the printer because of a collision between the print head and the filament holder.
I turned the printer on again and I'm trying to lower the print head on the Z axis. I can move the head from +000.0 to +001.0 but not below zero.
How do I move the Z axis so that the printer is closer to the heat bed?

Postato : 08/11/2018 9:51 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Lowering Z axis if head is at the top?

From the information screen, press and hold the rotary knob until the printer beeps. Should bring up the Z height adjustment screen. Just turn the knob ( I believe it's anti-clockwise but try either direction) and it should allow you to lower the Z axis?

Postato : 09/11/2018 2:31 am
Prominent Member
Re: Lowering Z axis if head is at the top?

Turn off the printer. Manually rotate both Z axis screws by hand. Turn both screws in the same direction and by the same amount. In this way you can 'wind' the X carriage back down safely.

If you don't fancy that then try doing a Z calibration? Does that not move the X carriage right to the top and then bring it back down IIRC?

Postato : 09/11/2018 7:43 am
Prominent Member
Re: Lowering Z axis if head is at the top?

Just make an Auto Home, located under the Calibration menu.
If you manually screw the motor shafts, you will destroy the Z calibration and it is necessary to do a new one (Calibration / Calibrate Z).

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Postato : 09/11/2018 11:24 am
Peter M
Noble Member
Re: Lowering Z axis if head is at the top?

Move z to the top, if possible.
Then start calibration of the z axis.
That"s all.

Sometimes I need ti do this 2 times to work.
And often i need to move the z to the top.

I never do move the z axis by hand(if machine is off).

Postato : 10/11/2018 1:28 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Lowering Z axis if head is at the top?

From the information screen, press and hold the rotary knob until the printer beeps. Should bring up the Z height adjustment screen. Just turn the knob ( I believe it's anti-clockwise but try either direction) and it should allow you to lower the Z axis?

Indeed, I'm in the Z adjustment. However, I can't bring this to negative values. Even with +0.000 it's still at the top.

Postato : 11/11/2018 2:46 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Lowering Z axis if head is at the top?

Move z to the top, if possible.
Then start calibration of the z axis.
That"s all.

It makes some noise and then says "Calibration failed. Chech the axes and run again".
Note that I bought a pre-assembled printer. I don't even know how to check an axis.
I was willing to spend the additional money exactly because I'm not comfortable with mechanical parts. I don't know what to check, where to check and how to check an axis.

Sometimes I need ti do this 2 times to work.
And often i need to move the z to the top.

I did it several times. I also ran XYZ calibration and I ran the wizard which includes the self test.

Postato : 11/11/2018 2:49 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Lowering Z axis if head is at the top?

You mentioned that the print head collided with the spool holder.
Then the spool holder was incorrectly mounted and you have to turn it over before you can do a new XYZ calibration.

Then you make a first layer calibration.
If you then can not lower the extruder below 0 then it's already in its lowest position, or you've done something wrong.

Remember, if you turn off the printer and then turn it on again, the Z zero level resets to the level at which the print head is located. When you start a print, the printer automatically finds the previously calibrated Z zero level.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Postato : 11/11/2018 5:49 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Lowering Z axis if head is at the top?

You mentioned that the print head collided with the spool holder.
Then the spool holder was incorrectly mounted and you have to turn it over before you can do a new XYZ calibration.

Well yes, the problem is that I was unable to unmount the filament holder, because the print head is at the top. The X-Axis was blocking the filament holder.

In the meanwhile, I was able to lower the head by turning off the printer and pushing the X axis down. I have then removed the filament holder and mounted it on the back side of the printer.

However, when doing the XYZ calibration again, the print head moved up, made the rattling sound as described in the manual and then stopped again. Same situation: Z is at +0.000 and I can't lower it.

If you then can not lower the extruder below 0 then it's already in its lowest position, or you've done something wrong.

It's not in its lowest position, it's in its highest position, but the Z axis says +0.000.
So, obviously, I've done something wrong. Question is: what can I do wrong when ordering a pre-assembled printer?

Remember, if you turn off the printer and then turn it on again, the Z zero level resets to the level at which the print head is located.

Well, that seems to be the case. I guess that's a very bad idea.
If someone has to turn off the printer for whatever reason, the Z-management is broken. At least when no calibration data is available.

I guess I'll send the printer back in the 14 days period and look for something better. I just thought it's the best printer available on market. I really liked the heated spring bed. But the manual and firmware are seriously broken.

Postato : 11/11/2018 7:56 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Lowering Z axis if head is at the top?

Finally, I found out that I can use Pronterface ( ) to move it down without applying force to the printer when powered off.

Pressing the button moved the print head down, very close to the bed.

I was then able to perform XYZ calibration successfully. All axes are perpendicular. Congratulations. I wonder what problems it had before.

Postato : 11/11/2018 9:14 pm
Noble Member
Re: Lowering Z axis if head is at the top?

I would guess it just lost track of 0 Z. if it happens again I might worry.

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Postato : 11/11/2018 10:07 pm