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Live Adjust Z  

New Member
Live Adjust Z

Hello all this is my first time asking a question on here so please go easy on me ?

I was printing something out tonight and i needed to adjust my z value on the fly now on one of Prusa help leaflets  it states that if i press the Knob and select Live adjust Z then i can lower the value whilst printing but because we have recently had a firmware update i dont seem to have this menu can any body help please ,have Prusa removed it or is it in an other part of the menu 

many thanks in advanced

my machine is the i3 MK3S+


Posted : 15/06/2021 10:30 pm
Noble Member
RE: Live Adjust Z

You can either adjust during print or do a first layer calibration which is effectively doing the same thing.  it will remember the setting when complete.  if you are printing with different materials you'll want to define different steel sheet profiles since some materials need different zOffset.

Posted : 16/06/2021 1:48 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Live Adjust Z


Hello many thanks for your reply but where is the live adjust menu when i am printing?

many thanks


Posted : 16/06/2021 6:16 am
Noble Member
RE: Live Adjust Z

Once your print starts, after bed leveling, you can hit the knob and see.  This won't be available unless a print(including first layer caliration) is in progress.

Posted : 16/06/2021 12:35 pm