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[Solved] Line pattern on heat sheet  

Eminent Member
Line pattern on heat sheet

I got mine assembled. On the heat sheet is the pUrsa logo model and a white outline around it. Does this white outline come off? I don't see anywhere in the manual about it and it isn't coming up from the sheet at all. The model will build inside it but limited to the area inside the white outline.

Napsal : 04/09/2019 6:54 am
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Line pattern on heat sheet

it will not mark up your print - 

Napsal : 04/09/2019 9:00 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Line pattern on heat sheet

And some sheets are cut such that the white markings are offset from how the printer actually prints. Usually Y-Axis is offset the depth of the notch cutout for aligning with the heat bed.

Napsal : 04/09/2019 7:58 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Line pattern on heat sheet

Thank you for your advice.


It has been Solved.


It was suppose to come off when setting up printer. I just didn't see anything in the manual about it and it didn't come off easily so I was worried and was being too gentle. It now just came off easily. 



Napsal : 07/09/2019 7:30 pm