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Layer shifts yet again  

Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Layer shifts yet again

After turning out perfect prints for several days once again I have problem this time its a layer shift in Y

this is how it looks in Slic3r-PR

on the plus side it is a very strong scrap part and heavy pressure in a vice with a wrench did not crack it so if I get a good print It should work as intended
PETG with the pretty PETG settings angled like that on the build plate with supports and a 10mm brim for strength in use 50% infill 3D honeycomb 5 perimeters here it is in the slicer with out the support

the first layer shift (Y axis towards the rear of the printer can be seen, the print is at about 75% done in the snapshot above; the layer shift took place at about 60% I let the print continue in case I could do a saw and glue save for testing but shortly after the photo it did an identical shift to the rear in Yand then it knocked itself over... yes 10 mm brim and support all knocked loose right after the 2ed layer shift... the Y belt is tight and aligned as is the Y stepper drive cog... any thoughts?

to say it and a slightly different way
there were 2 shifts the first of about 4mm as seen In the photo above about 70% done and the next around 80% done for about 5mm also in Y towards the back of the printer(the latter shift knocked the part off the build plate despite the 10mm brim and supports) the Y stepper cog remains locktited to the shaft in the proper position... and the belt remains sounding a low 'A' (220 cycles per sec or Hertz) just as the manual "sound a low tone" says it should these shifts are something new on my printer and I am at a loss how to fix them as the obvious cause has been eliminated.

Napsal : 05/12/2018 5:09 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Layer shifts yet again

Here is the ghost of the 2ed layer shift moments later the part with all its supports an 10mm brim were knocked off the build plate
I need to find something else to try to fix this as it is getting frustrating we know it is not the belt or the Y stepper cog so what else can it be?

Napsal : 05/12/2018 5:22 pm