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Journey to my first layer  

Eminent Member
Journey to my first layer

Hi all, I was gifted a MK3S+ and after assembly I have not been able to get a first layer print. I am able to pass self test, z calibration but as i get to my first layer test filament seems to be pulled in to the hotend but nothing comes out. The weird thing is when I load the filament it comes out but during the first layer calibration. I then have to unload and sometime disassemble to take out the filament. I have so far replaced the entire hotend, hotend fan, nozzle, pfte tube, the entire R6 hotend petg holder, check the extruder pulley and tightened and the end result in all cases is the PETG Prusement filament is not extruded and a jam occurs. Clicking occurs when the filament is loaded but i do tweek the idler at this point to try and find the right setting. I'm sure this is a common problem but I can't past this simple hurdle of the first layer 😪. I have a heat sink coming tomorrow to add to the extruder motor but really need some help and advice on what else i can try to the filament to simply extrude.

Napsal : 13/09/2023 8:19 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Journey to my first layer

I’ve just disassembled again and found the pulley on extruder freely moving again. I thought I had tightened this up but perhaps not. If under enough pressure can this come loose?

Napsal : 13/09/2023 9:02 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Journey to my first layer

Re-assembled and attempted a first layer design from Printables. Filament extruded to begin with then extruder motor started clicking so i began adjust the idler. Attempted to unload filament and the usual happened with a blockage. I really don't understand. When loading the filament it comes out great and expected but as soon i try first layer this happens.

The motor pulley didn't slip this time and I was able to extrude bits of the filament. I added a heatsink to the motor so don't think it transferring heat to the filament but really unsure. The hotend, heat beak, heat sink and nozzle are brand new and probably the 3rd or 4th set I've tried. I've taken them apart and the filament wasn't stuck in the hot end this time.

Napsal : 15/09/2023 3:51 pm
Illustrious Member

See step 9 of:

The screw MUST face the flat on the motor shaft.


Napsal : 15/09/2023 6:54 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Journey to my first layer

Thank you. When I disassembled the second time, I completed step 9 and did as it said and tightened. It has not moved since which is great news. I have just replaced the pfte tube. When I tried to manually slide some filament in there was a lot of resistance. I am just now trying the first layer again. I appreciate the reply.

Napsal : 15/09/2023 8:09 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Journey to my first layer

Unfortunately another failure. Filament loaded ok, extruded but when the first layer process starts the clicking starts. I attempt to unload and I am able to a point when the jam hits the sensor. See pic. I’ll have to disassemble and see if I can see any other problems. Everything is new including the nozzle.

Napsal : 15/09/2023 8:24 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Journey to my first layer

So, i took everything apart and replaced all parts. I realised no collet was installed which was i think causing some of the jamming and most likely caused the first jam. When everything was reassembled and calibrated I nearly made it to a full first layer! The filament was smoothly extruded but unfortunately after about 1 -2 minutes the amount of filament turns from a line into dots and the clicking on the motor starts. Same thing has happened now and when I attempted to remove the filament I experience jams again. 

Seems the filament is experiencing resistance but when I disassemble there is no blockage just a jam from the pull. The filament seems to have warmed and thinned out so perhaps heat creep?

Anyone have an idea what could be causing the resistance? I used a new hotend, heat break and pfte tube. The collet helped massively but only so far.

The only thing left to replace is the print fan? If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd welcome them. I hope i don't have this issue when my MK4 arrives!





Napsal : 17/09/2023 3:38 pm
Illustrious Member

When clicking starts lightly grip the filament above the extruder - do you feel pulses?  If the axis is runing at a steady speed try adding a little extra push to the filament and the clicking should change.

This is almost certain to be an extruder idler pressure issue, it might be either too tight or too loose.  I would loosen it until definitely too loose then tighten it by steps until it grips nicely.

Your first layer 'Z' calibration is too high in the picture above.



Napsal : 17/09/2023 9:12 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Journey to my first layer

Thank you. I’ve just rebuilt but ran out of time. I’m not using the original e3d purse setup as they jammed first go but I am going to try and clean them and try again.


I was so happy I had any filament that I was too slow to lower the Z. 

Thanks for replying again!

Napsal : 17/09/2023 9:33 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Journey to my first layer

So i bit the bullet and purchased a brand new E3D set up and installed. Recalibrated machine, completed maintenance and after xyz had completed finally completed my first layer. Despite this success shortly after the clicking resumed and after taking apart the extruder it was completely full of filament. I heated with heat gun and was able to pull the clog.

This is a brand new e3d hotend with a new print fan and hotend fan. The pfte tube was new and pushed as far as possible into the heat break. 

This looks like heat creep but I have no idea how to solve it when the e3d kit was assembled.

Can anyone confirm this is heat creep and i am on the right track?


Napsal : 03/10/2023 8:46 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Journey to my first layer

If that's what you pulled out then there looks like there was a gap between the nozzle and the heatbreak.  There should be no gap there, basically the filament shouldn't have that disk feature when removed.  

Napsal : 03/10/2023 12:03 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Journey to my first layer

I know but the pfte tube was pushed in as far a it could go and collet in place.

I've returned the whole kit now and ordered a revo 6 as i'm frankly out of options. Nearly every part on the extruder has been replaced.

Still, onwards and upwards!

Napsal : 03/10/2023 5:14 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Journey to my first layer

You misunderstand. That wider area has nothing to do with the position of the ptfe tube. It’s caused by a gap between the nozzle and heatbreak. Where the 2 threaded parts meet inside the heater block. 

Napsal : 03/10/2023 5:18 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Journey to my first layer

ah ok right, sorry.

The kit came built but after last time I checked collet attached, pfte length and fitting, thermal paste (very little was on so added more MX4) and tighten heatsink to heat break. I then tightened nozzle slightly when hot before calibration. If that is the same from that error then it had to be that. Hoping Revo6 will easier.



i check before installing that thermal paste was installed and tightened each part. The nozzle was tighten when hot before i did the calibration - not much but how advised.

Napsal : 03/10/2023 5:24 pm
Illustrious Member

You still misunderstand, perhaps we're not being clear.  Pay particular attention to the diagrams at the bottom of this page:


Napsal : 03/10/2023 6:25 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Journey to my first layer

Thanks for the reply.

No, we still understand. The e3d kit was assembled nozzle and heatbreak and heatsink. I removed the heat sink added more thermal paste. I then reattached heatsink. I checked carefully the nozzle and heatbreak as per the diagram you've linked to. Remember I've had three responses since my original post on the 13/9 so have had to review all documentation and videos to try and understand myself. Not a bad thing as I've learnt lots. I've also replaced most parts to try and narrow down the cause which i suspected was the hotend or the prusa heatbreak which can cause blockage due its size for the MMU. 


When i pulled that from the heatbreak the disc had formed inside not a gap beneath e.g the between the nozzle and heatbreak. My only assumption is somehow the pfte tube had moved allowing filament to spill into the heatbreak and thus causing the clog. I was posting for confirmation 

Napsal : 03/10/2023 7:33 pm
Illustrious Member

Measure that tip and compare it to the length of a nozzle - that should indicate where the disc is being formed.


Napsal : 03/10/2023 10:24 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Journey to my first layer

Please to say I have now completed first layer and a few prints! Revo did the trick and absolutely no issues with loading or unloading. I’m still calibrating to refine my z etc. Thank you to those who read and replied.

Napsal : 11/10/2023 9:14 am