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[Gelöst] Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear  

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Active Member
Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

so far I've managed to do only one successful print with this filament. After that, I've tried to print something else without success.

The filament goes out from the extruder nicely for only a few layers, after that I can hear a clicking noise and nothing comes out from the extruder.
When this happens I'm not able to pull or push the filament manually, as in the first case it breaks and in the second case doesn't go down.
So, I then have to remove the nozzle and push the filament from the top until a piece of the Filamentum comes out intact from the extruder:

In the last attempt, I tried to print at 220 / 60 and managed to about 1/2 cm of layers, but then the issue started again.

I've found other topics regarding the same filament in the forum, but the issues are for different models of Prusa.

Should I give up on the filament, or is there something to make it work?

Veröffentlicht : 04/10/2020 9:46 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

Do you have a way to check the diameter of the filament?

Does it only happen with that PLA?

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Veröffentlicht : 05/10/2020 11:41 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear


Do you have a way to check the diameter of the filament?

The diameter is ~ 1.7mm (my digital caliper shows only 1 digit after the .), although it feels slightly thicker than other filaments

Does it only happen with that PLA?

it does happen only with that specific PLA.

I have other 3 PLA filaments, including a special stone one. And I'm printing with all of them without any problem at all.

Now, lowering the printing temperature to 190 C I've managed to print up to 5 mm, and after that the clicking noise start again and nothing comes out from the nozzle. But at least the filament doesn't get stucked inside anymore.

I'll try to do some more research and test, but I have a feeling that I'll give up on printing with this one...

Veröffentlicht : 06/10/2020 7:41 am
Famed Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

Intuitively, I would think that raising the temperature would be better for dealing with a jam such as this.

However, if your machine prints known-good PLA filaments properly, it's probably the filament that is at fault.  I have never used Filamentum.

I have, however, had very good luck with RepRapper (so-called) transparent PETg.  It looks very much like your sample above.

Veröffentlicht : 06/10/2020 7:58 am
Estimable Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

It's starting to feel like it's that filament.

Have you done anything with the filament tension since this all started? How far is the tension screw sticking out pass the extruder head assembly?

What happens if you turn the temp up to 230?

I've had really good outcomes with Atomic Filament "clear" PLA and PETG. Most of their filaments have the same +/-0.02mm tolerances like Prusament. I run the PETG on two of my mk3s about 22 hours a day everyday and have had no problems. If you are in the US this might be a good option to try out. They also offer free two-three day shipping. I have no affiliation with this company just had really good results.

Veröffentlicht : 06/10/2020 1:00 pm
Famed Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

I've had really good outcomes with Atomic Filament "clear" PLA and PETG. Most of their filaments have the same +/-0.02mm tolerances like Prusament. I run the PETG on two of my mk3s about 22 hours a day everyday and have had no problems. If you are in the US this might be a good option to try out. They also offer free two-three day shipping. I have no affiliation with this company just had really good results.

If this is the firm I'm thinking of, their prices are usually 50-75% higher than the usual well-known brands.

Veröffentlicht : 06/10/2020 5:20 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

What well know brand are you talking about? 

Atomic Filament is around $30/1kg roll. They are a little higher then some, but it's worth the little higher price to me for the consistency, quality and material characteristics after printing.

Time is money. 

Veröffentlicht : 06/10/2020 5:30 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

You might check for steps on the filament diameter near the nozzle. If you are seeing something like this, there is a known artifact in the Prusa designed heat break that affects some of us:

Veröffentlicht : 06/10/2020 5:34 pm
jsw gefällt das
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

Thanks all for the reply


I've tried at 210 and 220 and both attempts ended up clogging the extruder. I prefer to don't test 230 as don't want to spend more time to remove the nozzle to clean everything.


the tip is actually slightly bigger ~ 1.9mm. Although printing at 190/200 C it is about 1.8mm.


Anyway, I'll just buy another filament for the moment. Can't be bothered to spend more time with it or with cleaning the clogg :).

Veröffentlicht : 06/10/2020 8:52 pm
Famed Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

I would complain and return it.  If they did have a bad batch, they probably have received other complaints as well.  If I were a vendor (which I am not) 😉 I sure would not want to get the reputation of sending out sucky filament and not standing behind it.

Veröffentlicht : 06/10/2020 10:08 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

Not being rude, but is it really the material you think it is? Is it PET instead of PLA? I've been known to throw on a spool of plastic that I "know" is PLA then later discover the PET label disagrees with me.

Veröffentlicht : 07/10/2020 12:16 am
Famed Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear
Posted by: @tim-m30

Not being rude, but is it really the material you think it is? Is it PET instead of PLA? I've been known to throw on a spool of plastic that I "know" is PLA then later discover the PET label disagrees with me.

Or, it could have been mislabled as PLA when it indeed PET/PETg.  That sample looks very much like the transparent PETg I use.

You might try a quick test print using the PET/PETg settings and see if it prints better.

Veröffentlicht : 07/10/2020 1:56 am
M.J. Caboose
Trusted Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

I had similar problems with exactly the same filament.

I also had several missprints with it. First it is very brittle and second it often clogs the heatend. I had the impression that it was "melting" already at the lower end of the heat break and jammed it. I didn't see this effect with other filaments from Filamentum (i.e. luminous yellow).

For me it worked out exactly the other way. I decresed the temperature of printing (200°C to 205°C). But that only improved the situation and did not fix the problem entirely. What helped for me is printing with 200µm leyer heigth. That way a certain throughput is maintained and the filament has no time to heat up enough to stick to the heatbreak. In this combimation I didn't have any failed prints ever since.

I had two rolls of it, but I don't think I will buy it again since other transparent filaments on PLA basis work fine ... although I need to say that the transparency of this specific one is very good. With an appropriate ammount over extrusion you can get quite clear prints.

- Made by me -

Veröffentlicht : 08/10/2020 1:10 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

I've managed to have three successful print, this is the last one I tried:

First thing I've found this post regarding the filament and the prusa mini:

I tried one of the suggestion and moved up the ptfe a bit, about 1.5mm. This still didn't solve the issue, but in all the test I've done after I did manage always to unload the filament without breaking it inside!

Next step I tried to print at 190, usual story, did print for a bit and the click started again, and nothing was coming out from the nozzle. So, I've pulled out the filament and managed to load it by helping with the push.

Another test at 205, but same story as above.

I've done another test at 220 C and manage to print about 90% of the model, so I did unload the filament but had to help a lot the printer to load the filament this time.

So, I tried to give it a last try at 230 and et voila, I've manage to print this model without issue:

Happy of the result I've tried another model, but I had to pause half print unload and load the filament again and then continue until the end without issue.

Last print I did unload and load the filament before starting, to be sure that nothing was blocking the filament, and did print for about 1h without any interruption and the print is perfect.


This is my first and only transparent filament I tried and I agree, if manage to print properly, the result is very good.

Veröffentlicht : 08/10/2020 4:18 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

I've never had a PLA that had to run so hot, sounds more like PETG temperatures, why not try 240c?

Veröffentlicht : 08/10/2020 5:35 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

throwing my personal 0.02$ into the discussion:


The Fillamentum website actually recommends a temperature range 210-230 degrees. It also states "PLA Crystal Clear is made from material with improved heat resistance in comparison with standard PLA filaments. " That suggests that it is actually not a standard PLA but they've mixed something else into it.


My experience so far, especially with non standard filaments, is to print on the higher side of the temperature recommendations and maybe even 5 degrees above.

Hence the OP's success at 230 degrees makes sense to me.


And to add just a wee bit of smartarsery, with all the various concoctions labelled as "standard" filaments it makes a lot of sense to have a close look at the respective data sheets and the printing recommendations. Ideally on the original manufacturers websites if you buy from a distributor.

/end smartarsemode


But I definitely need to get my hands on that stuff, as it looks really great 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 08/10/2020 7:38 pm
Famed Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear
Posted by: @gkmakeit

I've never had a PLA that had to run so hot, sounds more like PETG temperatures, why not try 240c?

Yeah, sounds to me like it may be PETg.  PLA should melt well below 200c and at 200 or so should definitely be liquid.

Veröffentlicht : 08/10/2020 7:43 pm
Active Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

I printed a temp tower with the same material, fillamentum PLA crystal clear, a few days ago.

The standard PLA temp tower starts at 190 degC. The extruder stuck at 190 and 195 degC.

So I shifted the temp range up by 10 degC, 200-240 (instead 190-230). This worked.

Apparently, the crystal clear is different from other colors and needs higher temperture.

This is the temp tower from 200-240 degC, printed on MK3S

regards, Alois

Veröffentlicht : 08/10/2020 9:13 pm
New Member
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear

If you pull the filament out the extruder and it breaks in your hands, or try to bend it and it breaks - means your filament absorbed moisture. I have an eSun DryBox for drying purposes and would suggest you to dry that roll...

Veröffentlicht : 09/10/2020 11:03 pm
RE: Issue with Filamentum Crystal Clear
Posted by: @phazeman

If you pull the filament out the extruder and it breaks in your hands, or try to bend it and it breaks - means your filament absorbed moisture. I have an eSun DryBox for drying purposes and would suggest you to dry that roll...

Just to clarify.  That box will keep it dry.  It will not readily dry a filament.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 09/10/2020 11:20 pm
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