Issue sticking to the bed
Bit the Kit successfully, calibration when well, then tried to print the provided samples. I have played with Live Z, i have cleaned the smooth bed sheet every print, i have tried IPA, i have tried the glue stick , Nope all prints do not look like sticking
Did the 70 x 70 calibration ,,,,it barely stayed in place to completion
Ok i have notice that the extrusion in very very fine, so much that each line can not bond together even with maximum squelch
Lowering the z only blocks the ooze completely
I have questioned the nozzle size but naah couldnt be !
Any help would be appreciated
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
A picture says more than a thousand words…
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
And what is the nozzle size you were questioning?
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
it feels like it is lower than a 0.4 nozzle ,,,,but i think i am just dreaming
Ill post picture in a little while
Thanks for your reply
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
If you move extruder to a high position, and extrude filament, see if the line is straight, thick enough, it could be a partial clog .
Try printing hotter, every filament is different.
And of course a picture of the first layer.
If first layer does not work, I do this:
Clean bed with dish soap, use a lot of hot water, clean a few times, dry the bed and use it directly on the hot printer, to prevent corrosion.
Then start with a to high z-layer, then lower it with little steps, this to prevent to go to low(I usually go to low without I see it myself).
Print a few cubes so you can adjust the cubes with different settings.
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
With the hot end did you make sure the ptfe tube was not moving before install, I almost missed this as not in the manual.
There is a comment that links to replace the PTFE tube guide, I believe this step is crucial so really should be in the manual. You need to lock the tube with the collet so it does not move. Step 8.
Could this could cause blocking if the ptfe is moving?
Tank you very much!
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
I'm betting you need to clean the bed properly or Z is to high, however as fuchsr said, "A picture says more than a thousand words…" we have nothing to go by.
The Filament Whisperer
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
Thanks for the reply
To be honest i do not remember seeing this step at all, i built the kit using the online guide.
I hope my video helps diagnose the issue, i have cleaned the bed so much im sure im wearing out out lol
My guess was it was something to do with the extruder so you may have hit on it
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
Every printer needs to go lower, you are doing nothing, if you turn it lower, you need to press a little on the filament.
The square lines are not sqaure (corners), that means you need to go down/lower.
Search on youtube how a line should look like.
Prusa manual they have pictures.
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
Thanks for the video.
First of all, forget about the built-in calibration approach, it's okay to get you into the right ball park but it's hard to get it right using this tiny square. Follow this approach instead:
Second, the Live Z of -.005 you have is certainly no good. You should be somewhere around -1. That is, IF the PINDA is correctly positioned, you'll need to go a lot closer to the bed (more negative Live Z). Again the link above will show you what a good first layer looks like. This certainly explains why nothing is sticking.
Now, if you really get the best layer at about 0, which I heavily doubt, you should adjust the height of the PINDA. If you have a Mk3S, the distance between the PINDA and the steel sheet, when the nozzle just touches it should be around 0.8--1 mm, about the thickness of a zip tie. If you have a Mk3S+, the SPINDA needs to be higher, at around 1.5mm.
But at this point, I think it's just a matter of adjusting your Live Z. It always starts at 0 but you'll have to lower it (make the number more negative) until you have the filament stick and no gaps between the lines. All well explained in the link above.
You'll be in business in no time!
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
And just to add: You may have to adjust your Live Z in case you change a nozzle or make changes to the hotend. Or if you switch from smooth to textured sheets, as the textured sheets are thinner and thus require lower Live Z. Getting Live Z right is the one thing that will make all the difference in your prints -- short of not touching the sheet with your fingers and keeping it clean. The good thing is, it's really easy once you know how to do it.
Oh, and make sure 7x7 mesh bed leveling is turned on.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
Thank you for your help again. its given me somewhere to start
All going well ill let you know how i go, "Great instructions"
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
Another handy hint that really helped me is, when running "Life adjust Z my way" keep working it down like fusher says until it looks like all the lines are joined together with no gaps, when you think you have that try your hardest to pull the lines apart on the 75mmx75mm square, if you can separate the lines, you are not low enough , go a bit further. (Watch the 2 perimeter lines as well, I found they can be the easiest to see joining together).
It needs to form 1 complete solid surface, just keep going down a bit at a time, it took me quite a while to fine tune my first layer, don't rush, it is the most important part of the print.
This is a very good clear illustration of what you are looking for. Printed on a different glass bed but shows clearly too high and too low, and the issues they will present.
What knowledge is necessary to use a 3D printer? -
Tank you very much!
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
Well i did every bit of advice that you have given me, realized that my PINDA was way to high as suggested, i manually adjusted it twice and on the second try hit the perfect height.
Bottom surface or models are smooth and sticking so well, i am amazed.
I thank you all again for your help and understanding as i am new to Prusa
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
Great to hear it worked!
Yeah, it takes a while to get Live Z right but it's all so much easier than the crap I had to go through with my pre-Prusa printers to get decent bed leveling and good adhesion.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
my pre-prusa printers were Stratasys and Formlabs designed to point and click, so their WAS learning curve but one I was happy to achieve.
The Filament Whisperer
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
mine was a Tevo Black widow,,, yes the house didnt burn down, but i do have plans to convert it into a large , maybe Prusa parts on a large sturdy frame.
With upgraded fittings and Prusa technology it could a good thing for larger models
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
Everyone has to start somewhere. Don’t let frustration get you down, come back and post your problem and the community will assist.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Issue sticking to the bed
Took me about a full day to fine tune my first layer, now I know exactly what I am looking for should be plain sailing.
And yes, I had exactly the same on the ender, thr old hit and miss first layer.
Tank you very much!