Incredibly slow prints - no difference which quality setting choice made in Prusa Control
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Incredibly slow prints - no difference which quality setting choice made in Prusa Control  

New Member
Incredibly slow prints - no difference which quality setting choice made in Prusa Control

Hi I am a new owner of a Mk3s, and new to PrusaControl.
I'm printing a building from Printed Scenery and Prusa control cannot seem to make its mind up how long it will take.

I've done two levels of the building, first level was done using the optimal choice .15mm took 46 hours, Prusa control indicated 24-25 hours
and the second level (slightly smaller) was printed using the fast using .2 mm setting. which took 56 hours.
Using the fast setting it indicated 24 hrs one time then 29 hours. (I went throught the generate and save process twice to get used to it) In reality it took 56 hrs to print.
no issue with the quality it is really good but wow 56 hrs!

The only change I made to the setting was 10% infil which was recommended by Printable scenery.

Whilst I am newish to 3D Printing I am comfortable with Cura, the lack of "function" in Prusa Control is very strange to get used to.

Two things:
1) Is PrusaControls estimation inaccurate?
2) and there seems to be no difference in the speed of the either fast or optimal, at least I could not see a the speed of the head moving, certainly much slower than the Creality 10s pro. my printing experience backs up little speed difference in printing at either of the settings.

In short what am I doing wrong!
thanks in anticipation
I've got another couple of levels to do, and will write down the detail, initially I just glanced at the times, but the actual print times were a shock.

Respondido : 03/03/2019 12:21 pm
Re: Incredibly slow prints - no difference which quality setting choice made in Prusa Control

You may want to try the more full-featured Slic3r PE instead. I've found its print time estimates to be pretty accurate, and have read other reports of PrusaControl being generous with its time estimates.

Oh - and make sure your speed on the printer is 100% and hasn't been accidentally dialed back.

Respondido : 03/03/2019 1:57 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Incredibly slow prints - no difference which quality setting choice made in Prusa Control

Thanks I've gone to do the next print on Slic3r, I like that it indicates the remaining time. Currently its indicating 45 hrs remaining for this current job. On reflection I don't mind the length of printing, it is what it is, and the print results are very good. Streets ahead of the Creality 10s Pro. I'll get my initial urge to print out of the way and experiment. thanks for your response.
My initial issue with Slic3r is the lack of an undo, that has already been a frustration. setting up a collection of open lock connectors all neatly lined up, rotate one to maximise the use of bed space, delete one as I pasted too many and all disapear, I know what and why it happened but it is unacceptable not to be able to undo a mistake. I make enough mistakes to need an undo and normally a ctrl z brings everything back.

What did you mean, "check that the speed on the printer is 100% and hasn't been dialled back"? I haven't touched any of the speed settings if thats what you mean?
As before thanks for the assist.

Respondido : 03/03/2019 4:06 pm
Re: Incredibly slow prints - no difference which quality setting choice made in Prusa Control

What did you mean, "check that the speed on the printer is 100% and hasn't been dialled back"? I haven't touched any of the speed settings if thats what you mean?
As before thanks for the assist.

Sounds like you should be fine. Just verify the printer shows ">> 100%" under the Z value while printing and not something like 50%.

As for undo- for complex orientations you may have better luck just doing the plate layout in whatever you are using to make your STLs (or use meshmixer to make an STL containing multiple STL parts oriented as desired). Then it becomes just an add operation with minor tweaks in PE.
The lack of an undo-redo stack is much lamented and requested; I recall reading an explanation as to why it is complex to implement but can't find it offhand anymore.

Respondido : 03/03/2019 4:39 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Incredibly slow prints - no difference which quality setting choice made in Prusa Control

Prusa Control was deprecated last fall and its features are being moved into Slic3r pr.

Respondido : 03/03/2019 8:58 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Incredibly slow prints - no difference which quality setting choice made in Prusa Control

45 hours is a while. How large is the part you are printing? Photo?

Fast and Optimal are layer heights. The speed improvement is simply fewer layers to print. Head moves the same speed in both.

While running, the LCD has the 100% showing... this value can be changed under Settings.

Respondido : 03/03/2019 9:31 pm
New Member
Re: Incredibly slow prints - no difference which quality setting choice made in Prusa Control

I just bought my first PRUSA - MK3S. I bought because out was supposed to be fast and quiet. This printer is sitting side-by-side next to my Robo 3D C2 . The process seems incredibly slow what am I doing wrong ? Don't get me wrong the prints are great it's super slow.

FYI, I am an actual purchaser and I'm not here to slam Preusse I really want to make sure that I don't have a bad unit.

The Treefrog G code which comes with the machine printed and approximately three hours and 45 minutes. For my other prints I'm using Cura as my slicer. I believe I selected the M K2 as the printer profile for I did not see another . Any help from the forum would be appreciated.

Respondido : 07/03/2019 9:02 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Incredibly slow prints - no difference which quality setting choice made in Prusa Control

use slic3r-pr
go to the configuration menu and select prusa fff

you will see this select the version of Prusa and nozzle size you want to use

Respondido : 09/03/2019 1:15 am