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Ikea Lack V2 Printed Parts Troubleshooting
Hi Everyone,
I'm currently printing the parts to make the Ikea Lack V2 enclosure on my MK3S+. I have been using the Prusa 3MF files with black Prusament PETG. I'm having an issue where areas of the print close to the build platform become wavy and distorted. The frequency of the waviness seems to follow the grid infill pattern. Also, it looks like there is some significant elephants foot/layer shift but only on one side of the print. Any idea for what might be causing this?
Thanks in advance!
This topic was modified 4 years temu by Austin Root
Opublikowany : 14/04/2021 6:28 pm
RE: Ikea Lack V2 Printed Parts Troubleshooting
Nothing there that a minute with a file won't fix.
Just don't stack your lack they fall over easy
Opublikowany : 15/04/2021 12:02 am