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I3Mk3s upgrade is too cool - Thermal runaway  

Active Member
I3Mk3s upgrade is too cool - Thermal runaway

After upgrading my Mk3 to the Mk3s using the upgrade kit everything appeared to be working fine. I got my first layer calibration in good shape and was able to print a couple of small parts. But when I tried printing something with a larger first layer area, I found that when it went to the second layer and the fan came on, it would cool the hot end down too much and cause a Thermal runaway error.

I was able to get around this by using "Tune" to lower the fan speed when it first comes on and then increase back to full speed in several steps, keeping my eye on the hot end temperature reading.

Has anyone else run into this? Can someone suggest a better way of dealing with this?



Veröffentlicht : 13/03/2019 7:12 pm
Re: I3Mk3s upgrade is too cool - Thermal runaway

You can buy silicone socks for the hot end that help with this (and also keep plastic from sticking to it if it goes astray).

Be sure to run a PID tune after installing the sock so the printer can adjust to the lower required power to maintain a given temperature.

Veröffentlicht : 13/03/2019 7:36 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: I3Mk3s upgrade is too cool - Thermal runaway

Thanks for the recommendation vintagepc!

I tried running the PID tune (without the silicone sock) just to see if it would help, but it didn't. I now have a sock on order and will rerun the PID tune once it's installed. Until then I'll see if I can fix up the gcode to use a lower fan speed for the second layer.

Veröffentlicht : 14/03/2019 1:09 pm
New Member
Re: I3Mk3s upgrade is too cool - Thermal runaway

Same issue here. Ran PID tune on both bed and nozzle with part and extruder fan at 100%. Had to reduce the speed of part fan and still could only get nozzle as high as 202 - 205 when set to 210 and printing PLA @ .2 layer and speed setting....

Veröffentlicht : 14/03/2019 11:47 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: I3Mk3s upgrade is too cool - Thermal runaway

Adding the hot end sock made a big difference in how quickly the temperature recovers. I also think that part of my problem may have been caused by my using a filament profile that I created before I switched to the MK3S in Sli3er. I thought the filament profiles would be the same, but suspect it may be important to recreate them after the switch.

Veröffentlicht : 17/03/2019 10:50 am