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Head melt-down  

Reputable Member
Head melt-down

I left a print unattended and came back to a solid blob ruining my extruder.

Between a heat gun and the internal heater, I managed to get the blob off, but I snapped at least one of the wires of the thermistor, so now the heater is useless too.

I think I can salvage both fans, and probably the heater insert. The block is probably clean-able, and I thought ahead and have spares of the extruder body and cover, but not the back or x-carrage.

it seems like is is a common enough near-disaster that there would be some standard info... So is there a good procedure captured for rebuilding the extruder, or do I just go back to the assembly instructions and wing it?

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Veröffentlicht : 18/04/2018 12:53 am
Estimable Member
Re: Head melt-down

Best to use the original build manual. Just jump to the area that you need.

As for replacement thermistors... I bought one off amazon and found that most of the E3D replacements have a molex style connected about 6 inches from the cartridge. This would leave a big bulge in the extruder cable that I did not like the idea of leaving there. I stripped and soldered one and was not thrilled with the results (the thermistor wires a very tiny). So, I bought one directly from Prusa with other parts to offset the high shipping. The one from Prusa is a like the original. The wires are solid all the way back to the Einsy board.

Veröffentlicht : 18/04/2018 3:09 am
Reputable Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Head melt-down

The one from Prusa is a like the original. The wires are solid all the way back to the Einsy board.

Actually the original I have from Prusa is not solid all the way. There is a splice, and it was the splice that failed. I was able to patch the splice and get the heater working again. That let me clean the block enough to get it working again.

I too ordered my replacements from Prusa, they have the order status as “Backorder” and no clue when the parts are coming. While I’m not happy leaving the printer unattended with partially melted bits, the tear-down and rebuild can wait until my parts arrive.

When someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "YES!"

Veröffentlicht : 23/04/2018 2:06 am