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Got a paver and nothing works correctly  

New Member
Got a paver and nothing works correctly

I got a replacement mk3 and things seemed fine.

So I moved it to my lack enclosure and not realizing it, even with as careful as I moved it, taking off the power supply messed up the balance. For the most part, I had it fixed again (z line and bed adjust).

Then, to help with vibrations, I got a paver and placed the printer on top of the paver.

Now I really can't seem to print anything but Benchys.

The Z line when I first got the printer and it was setup by Prusa was -0.735. It went up slightly again with the lack to around -0.940 and now with the paver, it's at -1.372. To add to that, I can't print anything besides Benchys because the left and right sides cause horrible issues -- pictures here https://imgur.com/a/EmAsrYn

I have used this https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3055929 to get the corners working great. even though the Z line is horrible but with Bed Adjustment all the corners seem fine to me (don't have a picture of the final result from last night). Then, I print a bedsheet (3 layers of the entire bed). That's what the imgur album is. The first layer does have some issues but the second layer is when things just go to hell.

I literally don't know what to do.

Reddit comments told me to adjust Z line closer to 0 but I can't go any closer without the filament not sticking to the bed.

I also not sure on moving the PINDA because on my previous printer, I could never get it correct and feel like that caused even more issues.

Respondido : 09/11/2018 9:51 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Got a paver and nothing works correctly

Also, I forgot to mention that upgrading to the newest firmware made me calibrate Z and bed adjustment again.

Respondido : 09/11/2018 10:03 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Got a paver and nothing works correctly

I think if I were you I would get my Pinda at about -500 and see how things go.

Respondido : 09/11/2018 10:41 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Got a paver and nothing works correctly

The Z level at -.500? Nothing will stick though.

If you mean something else, let me know.

Respondido : 09/11/2018 10:45 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Got a paver and nothing works correctly

The Z level at -.500? Nothing will stick though.

If you mean something else, let me know.

I mean, reposition your Pinda probe. That is to say, unscrew the clamp and move it up or down to get a valid Live-Z setting around -500. The idea here is that the Pinda probe doesn't work accurately when it at an incorrect distance from the bed.

By the way, I say -500 because at that distance you are probably as close as you should ever be, and from there you can back it off and check to see if it behaves more reliably.

Respondido : 10/11/2018 1:23 am