Flex Filament impossible after MK3 Upgrade to MK3S + MMU2S
I recently upgraded my MK3 to the MK3S + MMU2S.
Upgrade went awesome and Multi-Colored prints look fantastic.
Now I Had to print some Parts in FilaFlex, therefore I disconnected the MMU2S + Bowden Tube to the extruder to get the "MK3S"-normal-mode.
Well... It didn't go too well to say the least. On my unmodified MK3 I could print FilaFlex (82 Shore) perfectly!
Now I can't even manage to load the filament properly. As soon as the filament gets some pressure it bends and folds on itself and the bondtech gears.
I tried a lot of things:
- Manualy loading the filament into an empty hot end and then installing the "Bondtech-Door"
- Automatic loading
- Cold-pulling with PLA and then loading
- readjusting the bondtech gears to the PTFE Tube
Nothing helped, It is impossible to print this filament after the upgrade to the 3S. I would really appreciate your tips on this matter!
Re: Flex Filament impossible after MK3 Upgrade to MK3S + MMU2S
I have not used the 3S upgrade on mine yet so dont have a comparison with the flexible but i did have problems relating to the filament.
It was an opened spool but sealed back into a vacuum bag and dried before using. But for some reason the filament had bad spots which would cause a blockage. A new spool have been fine, even when left open and not dried
RE: Flex Filament impossible after MK3 Upgrade to MK3S + MMU2S
Hi @chains
I'm in exactly the same situation as you were a year before, except that I'm new to 3D printing with very limited experience with PLA and PETG.
I have a mk3+mmu2s and when trying to print FilaFlex40 it managed to wrap around and completely block the extruder bondtech gears. That, after several tries and things. Normally, it already starts sqeezing through the wrong channels at the mmu2s unit already.
So far I have only used the default FilaFlex40 profile with mmu2s in single mode, with a 0.6mm nozzle.
Did you meanwhile manage to get it to print in any possible way? If yes, what did you do?
Many thanks!