Fist layer finishing and appearance - settings for perfect fist layer ! 🙂
I design models that will be handed on the wall and the first layer will be showed on front so i need a perfect first layer for a good finishing
I did several tests with various z adjust but i can't get the same finish on all the layer. see attached picture.
DO you have an idea how to optimise the settings to have a perfect first layer ?
Thanks for your help
MK3S and Mini print farm
RE: Fist layer finishing and appearance - settings for perfect fist layer ! 🙂
i printed a square and playing with live ajust Z to find the best Z and now it's good 😉
MK3S and Mini print farm
RE: Fist layer finishing and appearance - settings for perfect fist layer ! 🙂
I sometimes have holes or imperfections like attached pictures, is it a problem of level, flow , or other ?
MK3S and Mini print farm
RE: Fist layer finishing and appearance - settings for perfect fist layer ! 🙂
If you make the top layer completely without holes, the surface will be fine.
Then you just cut away the material that covers the hole.
Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder
RE: Fist layer finishing and appearance - settings for perfect fist layer ! 🙂
yes, but i need the bottom layer perfect because some objets are like attached picture 🙂
It is to make wall clocks
MK3S and Mini print farm
RE: Fist layer finishing and appearance - settings for perfect fist layer ! 🙂
Sorry, I interpreted it as your top layer would be fine.
But just flip it over and make the first layer complete so you don't have the striped structure at the holes.
If you get other defects on the first layer, it is usually because the bed is not properly cleaned.
Wash the bed with detergent and warm water, wipe with paper, and then avoid fingerprints on the bed.
Detergents and hot water are by far better than other chemical liquids.
Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder
RE: Fist layer finishing and appearance - settings for perfect fist layer ! 🙂
I found the right Z and adjusted flow from 95% to 100% and it's fine
Thanks to the Prusa team for their great work ! 😉
MK3S and Mini print farm
RE: Fist layer finishing and appearance - settings for perfect fist layer ! 🙂
Hi everybody
here is some pictures of the first layer
with a flow fo 100% instead of 95% and overlap of 50% it's very nice.
Thanks Prusa for your work !
I also payed with infil without top layer 🙂
MK3S and Mini print farm
RE: Fist layer finishing and appearance - settings for perfect fist layer ! 🙂
thanx for the tip, but how (and where) exactly do you set an overlap of 50%; in the (menu of the) printer itself, or in PrusaSlicer?
I own a PrusaMini, but can't find this setting anywhere...
Thanks in advance
RE: Fist layer finishing and appearance - settings for perfect fist layer ! 🙂
You do this setting in Prusa Slicer, Print Settings, Advanced, Infill / Perimeters overlap (Expert settings).
Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder