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First prints - benchy detached  

Eminent Member
First prints - benchy detached

Last night I completed the MKS3+ assembly, which is my first 3D printer. 

From the included SD card, Batman and Prusa logos went OK, but when I left it overnight to print Benchy, it had detached almost at the end. 

Suggestions, perhaps both of

1. First layer needs to be tuned, or
2. I need to find proper 90% isopropyl alcohol. Here in Norway, it's impossible to purchase.
     There is one option with red coloring ("rødsprit"), and another with blue coloring ("blårens"). Neither includes a description of strength (%) or additives. I used the red variant, but who knows what additives there are.

I have found some 70% wipes at the pharmacy, trying that now. 

Napsal : 11/10/2022 9:32 am
Noble Member

If you can't get 99% IPA but 70% one, just get that. It is not as good but still good enough. In any case, washing with warm water and detergent with subsquent rinsing and drying with a clean paper towel is actually more effective in removing grease. 

You can try find IPA either in hardware stores or alternatively at well sorted artist stores (where they sell artist colours and brushes). At least the latter should sell IPA. 

Just make sure to touch the build plate as little as possible and if so only on the sides. Wipe with whatever alcohol you have between every print and when the plate has become too dirty or if you have adhesion problems, do the water and detergent thing. You should be fine then. 

PS: Make sure you have a spot on first layer calibration. If that one is off that can seriously degrade plate adhesion, even with a clean build plate. 

This post was modified před 2 years 2 times by Thejiral

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Napsal : 11/10/2022 10:45 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First prints - benchy detached

Thanks for your reply - 2nd attempt failed at the exact same spot, after decreasing z (higher negative number). First layer looks perfect as far as I can tell from documents and videos, but hands-on experience is clearly needed.  When I start printing the gcode it seems the line around the model is far thicker than the line I see during first layer calibration. I ran a new z calibration, since I had moved the printer to another spot on the desk since the first z calibration. 

Pure IPA is very hard to find anywhere in this country due to government regulations - not available in any nearby store.

Trying a satin/powdered steel sheet next. 

Napsal : 11/10/2022 12:18 pm
RE: First prints - benchy detached

Make sure you redo your Z offset when you switch sheets.  

Posted by: @n808

Thanks for your reply - 2nd attempt failed at the exact same spot, after decreasing z (higher negative number). First layer looks perfect as far as I can tell from documents and videos, but hands-on experience is clearly needed.  When I start printing the gcode it seems the line around the model is far thicker than the line I see during first layer calibration. I ran a new z calibration, since I had moved the printer to another spot on the desk since the first z calibration. 

Pure IPA is very hard to find anywhere in this country due to government regulations - not available in any nearby store.

Trying a satin/powdered steel sheet next. 


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 11/10/2022 12:35 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First prints - benchy detached

Indeed, always first layer calibration after changing sheets. I printed the whistle, and when completed, seems to stick quite well (or just right, not too hard to remove).

I downloaded the original benchy, changed it to speed draft, so I can test quicker. 

This is what my first layer calibration looks like: 

Napsal : 11/10/2022 1:03 pm
Noble Member
RE: First prints - benchy detached

Fascinating. You seem to be able to get all sorts of nasty stuff at Bauhaus in Norway, from acetone to petrol and what not. But no isopropyl alcohol in sight, I failed to find even denatured alcohol (maybe I am just blind though ;)). What is the state worried about? That people are starting to go suicidal and drink ispropyl alcohol?

Whatever, if you can find at least denatured alcohol, it works somewhat as well and if you can't those wipes might be an option (unless they contain some other stuff besides IPA) but really, just rinse it with detergent every once in a while and don't touch it with bare hands and you should be fine too. 

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Napsal : 11/10/2022 1:08 pm
RE: First prints - benchy detached

That looks a little high.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 11/10/2022 1:08 pm
Noble Member

How does the bottom of that layer look like? Neat and basically seamless? Than first layer should be ok. 
EDIT: yes maybe a bit lower though

Posted by: @n808

Indeed, always first layer calibration after changing sheets. I printed the whistle, and when completed, seems to stick quite well (or just right, not too hard to remove).

I downloaded the original benchy, changed it to speed draft, so I can test quicker. 

This is what my first layer calibration looks like: 


This post was modified před 2 years by Thejiral

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Napsal : 11/10/2022 1:09 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First prints - benchy detached

How does the bottom of that layer look like? Neat and basically seamless?

I thought so when I examined the bottom of the first layer calibration, but now that I examine Benchy in more detail, it's by far as seamless. 

That looks a little high.  

Okay, will lower further.

Fascinating. You seem to be able to get all sorts of nasty stuff at Bauhaus in Norway, from acetone to petrol and what not. But no isopropyl alcohol in sight, I failed to find even denatured alcohol (maybe I am just blind though ;)). What is the state worried about? That people are starting to go suicidal and drink ispropyl alcohol?

Yes, that's what they are worried about. Pretty sad that they don't trust us to even buy isopropyl alcohol, and not drink it ... 

But it seems I can use alternatives, and the problem is first layer calibration being too high. 

Thanks for your advice!


Napsal : 11/10/2022 1:20 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First prints - benchy detached

Thanks for your advice - both of you! Very useful for a first time 3D printer. 

I posted earlier, but it's awaiting moderation, for some reason on work in progress. In any case, examining the bottom of the first layer calibration result is super useful. I lowered the nozzle another 0.1 mm which resulted in a supersmooth underside of calibration print. I lowered a total of 0.2mm from the first failed benchy. Then I test printed 1mm of benchy, checked its underside as well. Finally went on to print the full Benchy again. It now sticks just right - back on the smooth PEI steel sheet. It takes some effort to break loose when completed, but not too much. Benchy came out perfect. 

Napsal : 11/10/2022 5:58 pm