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First print -- stuck in a filament load loop.  

New Member
First print -- stuck in a filament load loop.

First attempt with our newly assembled machine and everything has gone perfect.... until actually trying to use it.  It came online just like it should, went through all the calibration processes according to the book.  We decided to run the logo as a sample print and it asked us to insert the filament, it takes it, squeezes some out the nozzle, asks if it is changed correctly, runs across X, and it then tells us to unload the filament and remove it immediately.

The thought that maybe we should run the "First layer cal." but it just says, "please load filament" when it is already loaded.

We turned off autoload on the filament setting, went back through the "load filament" selection, it preheats, squeezes some out the nozzle, it it asks, "Filament extruding & with correct color", we select "yes".  After that, we try printing again and are back in the same loop.  Using the book and flow chart I can't figure out where we are going wrong and I haven't found and answer here reading on the forum.  Has anybody else experienced this?  Thanks.



Veröffentlicht : 12/01/2022 3:02 am
Illustrious Member
RE: First print -- stuck in a filament load loop.

Try turning off not just autoload but the filament sensor itself to off.  Then try again.

If it prints fine then you know you have an issue with the filament sensor.  The firmware block of code that handles loading and no filament detection is the same so the messages and process you get on screen are identical.

As its a newly assembled machine I assume its a 3s or 3s+ and the filament sensor on those is very picky about proper assembly for it to function reliably. 

Veröffentlicht : 12/01/2022 7:38 am
Eminent Member
RE: First print -- stuck in a filament load loop.

Here are some troubleshooting resources :

See this :

and this

and this

If you ran the self-test and no problem was reported, then (if it is a filament sensor problem) I assume the issue is the mechanical part of the sensor (missing/stuck steel ball?).


Veröffentlicht : 12/01/2022 1:28 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: First print -- stuck in a filament load loop.

It is a 3S+   Sorry for failing to mention that!

Thank you both for your help.  With all of that I was able to sort through it.  What it wound up being is where the filament sensor cable is plugged into the Einsy board.  While the assembly instructions were clear about plugging it into the lower row, it did not say anything about orientation and I failed it see is in the photo.  In the third link provided above, they are very clear that the on the plug the red wire should be on the right.  I had it plugged in 180-out.

I get a little confused reading through all of this stuff as they seem to interchangeably use terms like "IR sensor" and "filament sensor" without it being clear that it's the same thing.  I just have to catch up on understanding the terminology, but I guess for the guys that wrote the instructions it is second nature and doesn't occur to them that it can be challenging for a new user to keep everything straight.

That took care of that and now it is happy.  I've run it back through the calibration and feel that the nozzle is running too high above the bed, but it is dispensing filament now and I get the right voltage readings loaded vs. unloaded just like the troubleshooting states, so I am grateful that the actual parts in the extruder are working and I don't have to go back into that.   

Veröffentlicht : 12/01/2022 2:00 pm
Eminent Member
RE: First print -- stuck in a filament load loop.

Check the top of the extruder. Remove the filament entry plate and check to see if you have a steel ball bearing in broken filament detector .

It may have fallen out or stuck in a position it does not contact the two plates.

Veröffentlicht : 13/01/2022 10:32 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: First print -- stuck in a filament load loop.


Posted by: @retired

Check the top of the extruder. Remove the filament entry plate and check to see if you have a steel ball bearing in broken filament detector .

It may have fallen out or stuck in a position it does not contact the two plates.

As I reported in my last post -- the issue is resolved.


Veröffentlicht : 13/01/2022 11:25 pm
Active Member

I was also having the same exact problem as the original poster had mentioned.

I resolved it by going through the LCD screens menu> Settings> Fil. Sensor> Fil. Sensor [Off]> Power OFF the machine for 10 seconds> Power ON the machine.
(No change - my printer still got stuck on the “is filament loaded?” screen when I clicked on first layer calibration)
Toggled the F. Sensor back ON again> adjusted the other options of the Fil. Sensor: F. runout [N/A]> F. autoload [N/A]> FS Action [Cont.]> Powered OFF the machine for 10 seconds> Powered ON the machine and my printer had no problem moving past the “is filament loaded?” screen the next time I tried to run a first layer calibration.

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Veröffentlicht : 06/10/2023 12:33 am
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